The TRUTH of Branding
According to HubSpot, a brand is the identity and story created to make it stand out from competitors that sell similar products or services. The goal of branding is to earn space in the minds of the target audience and become their preferred option for doing business. Brands are an effective way for companies to communicate their vision. A brand clarifies what a company stands for and why. A brand also refers to what the company wants you to feel and know when interacting with them — as a shopper, customer, social media follower, or mere passerby. ?Contrary to popular belief, companies don't sell products. They sell experiences, feelings, and ideologies.
In the ranching business, brand has a somewhat different, yet similar meaning. Brands are applied to principally establish?ownership. To prevent duplication of brands and to give legal protection to owners, national and state governments passed brands acts requiring registration of all brands and making it an offense to alter registered brands.
Society is pushing several brands today, trying to influence how we think and feel about many different things. In the United States, there is a vast and diverse array of organizations that support a multitude of agendas. These range from political advocacy on issues such as foreign policy, elections, the environment, healthcare, women’s rights, economic development, and many others.?The country is home to approximately?1.5 million non-governmental organizations (NGOs)?that operate across various fields.
Margaret Mead perhaps said it best…” Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”?
START (Study, Think, Act, Respond Together) is a free on-line 24-session study course that you conduct on your own. Gather 8 or 10 friends together, study and discuss environmental, domestic, and world issues using the on-line readings, read and think about the world we want and how to get there, and then act. You can link to it here and you will find a list of over 500 so-called progressive organizations that operate on the national level. It is advertised as “a way to study and work together with others to create a better world.”
I reference this source because I advocate seeking TRUTH. Those who buy into the various “brands” being poured out without questioning their TRUTHS may be buying into their lies. Doing so opens you up to the other type of branding referenced, ownership. In doing so they may also be subjecting you to the “cancel culture” my utilizing various measures to protect their brand.
This is one of the many things that TRUTH reveals. Everyone is trying to sell you a story to help them stand out from the crowd. I am trying to get you to understand TRUTH and how it can impact you, as an example. Most often branding is a valuable thing that can help to educate consumers and inform people, but it is just as easily used to channel the thoughts of a few people who have similar interests into forces for evil.