The Truth Behind Asphalt Work.
I would like to take the time today and talk a little about the world behind asphalt work and the companies behind the scene. I wanted to start off by stating that my husband "Jeremy" absolutely loves the asphalt industry, and has such an incredible passion for his work, and because he does he notices everything there is about our roads to date. Over the past couple years here in British Columbia Canada our asphalt industry and companies are slowly getting worse. Have you ever noticed how asphalt prices have only gone up over the past years yet you see how fast our asphalt is lasting? Well, let's talk about this issue, shall we?
I am going to start off by using a current situation which we have posted a few videos about at an intersection in Surrey BC here. In front of a public park which gets a lot of traffic, there are massive cracking with massive holes on each crosswalk right in the middle of the path on both sides. A company comes to assess the pavement on a job that the city would like to have fixed. They would like to have two crosswalks installed with new lights on the intersection so that pedestrians may cross safely across to the busy public Bear Creek Park. So they start the work and cut up the roads to install the lighting systems and once done lay new asphalt where all the cuts were made and patched them all up. Once they were done all the massive holes that are now trip hazards are left so it now completely unsafe to cross for any handicap, blind or small children whom can have there foot caught. Not to mention this asphalt was laid about one month ago, and is already pitting and falling apart!
Our city relies on the asphalt companies to let them know about the jobs and to assess the pavement to the best of our abilities, however companies choose to never do this. Instead, they bank off our taxpaying dollars. When someone like us notices this and calls them out with the truth, they then try and blame the city for the work they have done, when it truly is their responsibility. Because the city now has a no-harm contract with these companies and are not held liable, and the company is held liable which then goes to their insurance, so they get away with murder. Each and every time these companies are ripping off our systems as we call them "honest crooks" are taxes go up, it is no different from a thief. We should be making better for our children's future. As companies, if we know better we should do better, and they always choose greed over morals. There are so many projects and roads out there that it's like playing the lottery for the city to actually have the time to check on their work. The city just takes the lowest price bid and at the end of the job, pay the money. It is purely the company whom should be responsible for the work that they perform on the roads.
Now yes, we understand that the city states that our road rehabilitation is not permanent, however, tell me something that is...NOTHING! The asphalt products itself are only getting worse, however, they will tell you that it is getting better. As of now, they are adding smaller stones, silicas, plastic and all the ingredients we know don't work. Now there has to be some sort of protection, just like everything else in life which the companies know. Then you have the people who have passion and care who are being run out.
The real problem lies within that the consumers are not aware of the truth behind asphalt and the proper procedures in which need to occur, or even just the pure facts of the lifespan of actual pavement. When companies who are performing work which is not proper and are being called out on it, there are always the few who like to comment that we are bad talking other companies which is not the case. We are not afraid to expose the truth and teach the people the proper ways about asphalt and what they should expect with jobs. This industry has become so corrupted and taunted by the insane amount of money that is made and the little to no effort behind the scene. Companies need to remember why they started their business in the first place and start to think for the people, and not their pockets because we all know the money comes with good work. Whenever there is an issue with the pavement it is never the asphalt companies fault, they always blame the bad batch of asphalt or something else never taking accountability for their work. They want to use these great products but only use half of the recipe, it's like making an apple pie and leave the apples out. There are 50 thousand different super paves due to the fact every asphalt plant wants to make the best batch. For example, we have a plant which makes their asphalt super wet and gooey and it doesn't work the best with rollers, and the list goes on. It is extremely upsetting to see all of this happening all over Canada on a daily basis.
My honest opinion to all those who are constantly commenting on videos and pictures we have been posting about the work being performed is purely the conscious behind your thoughts. We need to set out feelings aside and ask ourselves if we are upset because we have not done something. Like I mentioned before, my husband has a passion for this industry and will always continue to inform and aware the public of situations which occur whenever he can, he has never mentioned any names (which he should). Now, remember my husband is an asphalt genius in rejuvenation. He can take something old and make it beautiful again and last. He can look at your pavement and tell you how many years old it is and has integrity and loyalty which most people don't have. He is always thinking about how to help people and has just had enough of all the companies who are ripping our city and people off. Anyone can try and knock him off, but he is truly loyal to this industry and has the passion to everything he does. He would never knock down anyone. and just trying to expose to the truth so it stops. Companies which are getting away this should be ashamed of themselves, ripping off our city and taxpaying dollars which we work so hard to pay our dues into, yet their so quick to always complain about how high our taxes are, to begin with, but not quick to think about taking the money. We all need to get together and stop this from happening an start speaking out the truth when needed. If our company was to do something wrong I would want someone to call me out, so that way I would know and be able to fix my problems. We are all human and all make a lot of mistakes in life, its how we handle ourselves in the mists, but we will always try 100% not to make them as best as we can. I would like to as well state that I am not speaking for anyone else, I am only speaking my OPINIONS and not FACTS so please do not be offended. Thank you for reading!
Owner : Seal Team Pavement Maintenance/ Surrey Board Of Trade Member
6 年You're so right Oscar
7 年That crack is reflecting a failure from underneat, the paving company should had repaired such before laying the asphalt on the crosswalk, it is a shame