On Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Unity
Tom Morris
Philosopher. Yale PhD. UNC Morehead-Cain. I bring wisdom to business and to the culture in talks, advising, and books. Bestselling author. Novelist. 30+ books. TomVMorris.com. TheOasisWithin.com.
Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Unity: When people leave them behind, nothing good can be done or created. Nothing.
There's no limit to the damage that can be done by a man or woman with no moral core.
When anger leads the way, it's rare that anything good follows.
We bring to the world outside whatever we are inside. If we have inner peace, the harmony of real unity within, we bring peacefulness and unity. If we have turmoil, we bring trouble.
Life wounds us all in some way. But it also offers us the resources to heal from whatever wound we have and to grow and become wise.
One of the greatest spiritual insights in all wise traditions is the need to be able to get out of our own way. And its importance.
Some of the Greeks had a wise idea about governance: Order your own life properly, then your household affairs, and you can build out from there.
Those who feel without thinking surprisingly join those who think without feeling in a morass of cluelessness about what's truly needful.
The best life is a culmination of “no” in abundance, and “yes” in wise measure.
Real love and true compassion, kindness and empathy, sometimes seem so rare these days that it's amazing we can talk of them at all and be understood.
Morals and manners, ethics and etiquette, are two sides of the same coin—other regarding behavior. A man without this coinage can do nothing of genuine good.
There is an art to living well that's composed of several other arts, or skilled behaviors. We can get better at it by improving at them.
I'm thankful for what I've learned from every failure, every wrong turn, and the mountain of mistakes under my feet. From where I stand, I can now see far.
For another take on Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Unity in our organizations and in ourselves, go see: https://amzn.to/2gHdrSO or visit TheOasisWithin.com.
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