40's diet...
The simple primary concept pertinent at this age, is to feed, not fill. A Learning process to embrace a sense of satisfaction when enough is eaten, before reaching the point of feeling "full", is uncommon.
I believe in my younger years I was rarely satisfied emotionally, without overindulging. Accepting there is a significant difference between what I want, and what I truly need, has been a stepping stone towards health maintenance in my post prime years of life. The most important aspect to this concept is the quality of food I am consuming. A sense of satiety comes without effort when I consume smaller amounts of fresh food from scratch, versus if I indulge in larger quantities for the instant gratification of flavor only.
Considering there is little immediate convenience to a diet from scratch, there is a general lack of demand. Unfortunately, the public mentality of the current age seems to be more concerned with convenience, than quality, in regards to our need for food. For reasons I can not accurately explain, or completely understand, I have cognitively decided to embrace the inconvenient approach of eating to a standard no longer generally accepted.
As presented in the home page biography of, I am creating all of these dishes with the use of one hand only, while seated in a wheelchair. I still genuinely hope to inspire others to see this truth: If it can be done with one hand, sitting down, it is not nearly as difficult as one may think.
Also, the injury I impossibly survived has much to do with the diet I have had for the last 15 years, so the health benefit of eating inconveniently, has clearly presented itself.