The Truth Academy
Did you ever have one of those nights when you woke up very early in the morning and could not get back to sleep? You are not sure where the dream you were having ended and your conscience thoughts began. Something was gnawing at you, and you could not put your finger on it. Perhaps it was even a recurring dream that became more realistic night after night. Perhaps it has a base in something you have been thinking about for a long time and just could not pull fully together.
That small still voice must be listened to and acted upon, or it might become overwhelming.
Last night (or should I say this morning) was one of these for me. A bunch of jumbled thoughts about TRUTH, my chairmanship of our church’s Pastor Search Committee, an upcoming meeting about our church’s children and youth program, and thoughts about my daughter’s work in curriculum develop. These were combined with all the experiences I have had through a lifetime of leadership, teaching others, and developing new programs and services.
How could all these thoughts and ideas come together? What do they have in common? How could I possibly act upon them without understanding what they mean?
I once heard that these early morning hours, the time between 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM, is a period when God speaks to us in a quiet still voice, because, for the most part, the world is quiet, and our minds are most receptive. Some say that they clearly hear God’s voice; I don’t believe that I have heard Him that clearly, but it doesn’t mean that He has not spoken to me … or to you!
Now I’m going to throw you a curve. Where is all this leading and what did I do? For me, jury is still out on this emerging subject of AI or artificial intelligence. I had a conversation with a friend of mine recently. He is very dependent upon AI in his life and business. Yes, I am still a little suspicious of what it is and what it can do but I do but he helped me to recognize it as a tool that can search through an incredible amount of information in a short amount of time and come up with something I might have been able to create on my own after days of research and thought. And yes, it can be a bit annoying when it changes text in our writing into something that it thinks you meant to write. ?In the end, he reminded me that you do not have to accept everything it spits out. You have the option to edit and change things.
As you may be aware, if you read my articles regularly, I recently published an article written entirely by AI. It took a short statement of what I was looking for in the article and wrote the article requiring little editing or other input. I was amazed by the results.
So why not feed in the jumbled mess I was thinking about and see what emerged? I entered what amounted to about a paragraph of mostly random thoughts and asked the program to write me a short proposal. About two minutes later I had about five pages of a fully developed proposal for what it called The Truth Academy. I was, once again, amazed by the results. Yes, I guess that I might have suggested some form of a school utilizing a vacant area of our church, but a full-blown plan for an academy was not truthfully expected.
I love the concept it presented, a school based upon TRUTH and Biblical principles, but how realistic is this? There was much that was not covered like how to finance the program or find teachers and students, but there was still a concept to be explored. I also need to know a lot more about what is required by the state, and even how you go about starting and running a school, but I know a guy that has done so in the past; I connected with him a while back on LinkedIn.
I’m not sure if anything will ever come of this but I am putting it out here for your thoughts and ideas. I’m listening Lord for more direction and input. The TRUTH is, it is a little scary, but this is what we are called to do!
What do you think? I would love your feedback and Ideas! Comment below (or beside) or send me a message. Like if you think it makes any sense or share with others that might have some input.
Part time
5 小时前Bob, we once had a nursery school downstairs, so why not an academy? Keep the thoughts coming