Truth #4; Medicare-For-All;  Elected Officials and Government Employees Will Lead?
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Truth #4; Medicare-For-All; Elected Officials and Government Employees Will Lead?

To our elected officials and government workers re: Medicare-For-All. "If it's so great, why aren't YOU part of the Medicare program today?"

Lets take a quick look at who these government workers are and to what extent they have been the leaders in single payer programs so far.

Federal Government Workers

There are roughly 2 million federal workers in the US today. They and their families participate in a health benefits program created in 1960 just for them (the FEHBP). Interestingly, the FEHBP is not a government run single payer system, but arguably, the opposite. It's a mostly open marketplace to over 200 private market HMO, PPO and other options from nearly every Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan and many other local and major managed care companies such as Aetna, Humana and United HealthCare.

When federal workers reach age 65, most choose continuing their FEHBP alternative, because it offers great local and national private options that are just a better deal than the single payer Medicare option. Once they actually do retire, workers can continue to choose to apply their Medicare subsidies to alternatives to Medicare that I have talked about in previous posts from the same private insurance company vendors they currently have, with little disruption.

State and Local Government Workers

There are roughly 4.5 Mil workers of each of the states, with coverage structures as varied as the number of states. Beyond that, another 14 Mil workers are associated with local governments, cities and counties and their health coverages even more varied.

Virtually all have unique programs providing multiple PPO and HMO and other coverages from a variety of private health insurance vendors. Those workers over ages 65, typically remain with those private health plans just as they did when they were younger. For retirees, today often older than age 65, the options are too varied for this article. But suffice it to say, they too have many private market alternatives or wraparound options to the Traditional Medicare program, and many opt for those.

Medicare-For-All; Will Federal, State and Local Government Workers Lead The Way?

So government workers and retirees participate in private insurance programs in much the same way way as the rest of us. As such, it would appear that if Medicare were "switched on" as the sole solution for health care coverage, all these government workers would be as impacted as everyone else, and might have similar responses, both positive and negative.

It seems that time and political realities will indicate whether government workers themselves would support a single source for their health care options, defined by the government, without the benefit of private market wrap-arounds or alternatives.

Click HERE for the Summary - "Medicare For All - 10 Truths No One Is Telling you"

Or, By " Truth # " :

  1. Click HERE for Truth #1 - Medicare For All? - Opt Outs?
  2. Click HERE for Truth #2 - How "Good" is Medicare Coverage?
  3. Click HERE for Truth #3 - Medicare is not "Free"
  4. Click HERE for Truth #4 - Will Elected Officials & Government Employees Lead?
  5. Click HERE for Truth #5 - Costs to Operate Are Not Lower
  6. Click HERE for Truth #6 - Collateral Damage - Your Doctors and Hospitals under Medicare-For-All
  7. Click HERE for Truth #7 - Coming soon - If Medicare is so great, why do so many well respected doctors throughout the US refuse to participate?
  8. Click HERE for Truth #8 - Coming soon - Some Medicare coverages are irrelevant to younger populations, and some younger population coverages are irrelevant to the Medicare populations, making a simple expansion quite illogical.
  9. Click HERE for Truth #9 - Coming soon - Changing Medicare coverages to mimic private insurance coverage for younger people will completely alter program performance and costs in unknown and unpredictable ways.
  10. Click HERE for Truth #10 - Coming soon - If you think health care is costly now, wait until it is free.
Brad Vernon

Consulting Health Actuary (FSA, MAAA) | Providing Actuarial Services to Employee Benefit Consultants, Brokers, and TPAs

5 年

A good litmus test for private versus Medicare insurance.

Lloyd Bone

Bone insurance Brokerage, Inc.

5 年

Medicare for All will not happen. Most think it's free, but in reality it will be very expensive to the consumer they will have to buy in. Not to mention the Government will take a huge hit.. Don't take my word for it; ask Warren Buffett. We need to fix the ACA first. Maybe over the next 20 years we will gradually incorporate it one piece at a time. We need to stop Big Pharma ASAP. Peronally, I take 1 (one) medication that costs $8,000.00 each month.


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