Below you’ll find a copy of one of many excellent, 5-star reviews we receive through the TRUSTPILOT website (see original here). To book a session with Colin, contact us today on 01234 757 633 or email us at [email protected].
Driver improvement with a twist of engineering
I booked two days with Colin with a clear goal of improving my racing abilities. Not that I was slow but I knew somebody could unlock more.
Colin and I devised a program for these two days. Making sure the basics where assimilated and then move on with cleaning all the non-necessary inputs. I set myself a goal to get one significant improvement a day. Every racer knows this is usually unlikely. With tuition, you usually get a hint or two. Not major improvements. So the bar was high for Colin to deliver and I to assimilate.
Colin’s approach is very engineered based. It helps understanding how a car moves, why it does, and what is positive and negative about it. He made sure all day long that I was still assimilating all the knowledge he was passing on by helping with drawings, demonstrating the processes and going back if needed.
End of day one we had corrected a major flaw in my braking sequencing. This in itself was worth the two days if I am honest. On day two we corrected all the non-necessary inputs to keep the car as close to the max grip during cornering from braking to exit. Again, a brilliant day to raise my game.
I need to practice all this now so that my brain applies the knowledge without thinking. It will take a bit of time but I know this is worth probably two seconds around Dijon in my current race car which is huge.
I will come back, probably in the middle of the season with the idea to fine tune one or two concepts we developed.
It was intense but totally relevant to my racing. Well worth the time and money. Not to mention Colin is a super chap to spend the day with. Adapting to you not the opposite, being a true pedagogue with tons of knowledge to pass on. Thank you Colin for a splendid time.
Special thanks to Jo and Lynne for accommodating my limited availability