Trusting the Process
Manifestation and Trusting the Process Will Help You Unlock Your True Potential
?Part One
?Each and every last one of us, like a superhero, has a backstory, one that shapes who we are, how we love, and that which develops our capacity for giving and sharing. Our backstory dictates decisions we make for ourselves, whether good or bad. Looking into your backstory and truly understanding your past can shape your future just as it did for Wonder Woman, AKA Diana Price, who happens to be one of my favorite superheroes.?Diana’s identity as a goddess and daughter of Zeus is kept from her so that Ares, the god of war, will not find her to destroy her. Has your identity been kept from you in some way???I personally saw what it does to a person whose identity is kept from them.?
?Was your father’s or mother’s identity not known to you, or was it in question? And were “justifiable” reasons the cause of your identity being withheld from you? Were you made to feel the truth would have destroyed you or told it was in your best interest not to know, when in fact, it was not knowing the truth that may have caused the most harm? It can be quite difficult to know who you are and where you are headed if you have no idea where you came from. It’s important to research your background. Get familiar with the people in your family who came before you. If they are alive, even better. If not, conduct a bit of research.??
?It will help you build a strong foundation that will lead to unlocking your true potential. The next step is to find success outside of your comfort zone. Perhaps you have already attempted this and failed. Maybe you felt as if you were fighting a war to survive outside of your comfort zone? A war with others? A war in which perhaps you were your own enemy? If so, what was the outcome? Did you stand strong in defeat, or did you return to your comfort zone feeling overcome? If you feel defeated, it’s important for you to try again and again and again. As the old saying goes “practice makes perfect.”??
?Being vulnerable is not always easy, and that’s typically what being outside of our comfort zone leads to, vulnerability. When Wonder Woman became vulnerable, she rose to the occasion. In essence, she discovered that she’s both strong and fierce, commanding respect as Wonder Woman and Diana Prince. The good news is that you can do the exact same thing in your life by manifesting success into existence and trusting the process to unlock your true potential.
?….To Be Continued
?If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of my book,?Discover Your Superpowers: The Key to Unlocking Your True Potential?please click on the following link.
?One of my superpowers is seeing the potential in you that you might not see in yourself.??As a life and business coach, I’ve created two businesses to help unlock your true potential.??Business #1 “Your True Potential” was created because being YOUR BEST SELF allows you to become an extraordinary entrepreneur.??And business #2 “By Design Medical” was created to help you live your best life by creating multiple streams of income.?
By Design Medical empowers independent sales representatives with amazing business opportunities and all the tools and resources needed to deliver revolutionary healthcare products and services to your network. By Design Medical is a group of entrepreneurs and independent medical sales representatives who are committed to providing innovative products that prioritize the requirements of patients. To ensure the greatest quality, By Design Medical exclusively works with the industry's most respected medical suppliers.?