Elizabeth Asahi Sato, Executive MPA
CEO/Founder Rise to Excellence, Organizational Capacity Building, Human Resource Administration, Business/Organizational Consultant for private, public, tribal, inclusive faith-based & nonprofits
I have traveled to many places, met leaders of many nations, and rubbed elbows with influential people, yet there are times when I am still questioning why and how.
Sometimes, it takes 36 years to understand the Creator/God's plan. I don't know about you, but I like my journey to be clear before I embark on a new path. I get lost easily. The other day, my iPhone GPS shared that it was only a five-minute walk to Nordstrom Rack ( I needed new sneakers), but it took an hour and a half because Chi-town has long BLOCKS. Maybe it is me—although I am sure my friends and colleagues have experienced something similar with the MAPS app. Lol
Six days ago, I traveled to Chicago to attend the International SHRM conference (more on that later), as one of my specialties is HR administration and sensible execution. Still, in my professional consultancy business, I made it a point to frequently update my knowledge and skills. While I appreciate academia, it often needs to catch up regarding boots-on-the-ground understanding.
More than three decades ago, I met a young man, Pastor Terrance Miller, who was genuine, brilliant, insightful, and kind, my recipe for a beautiful human being. We stayed in touch over the years while Terrance launched The Black Men's Expo, The Gentlemen's Closet, to help men out of work prepare for job interviews with clothing, suit jackets, and shirts. Terrance also formed the REACHWithin organization and worked extensively with the Woodlawn community in Chicago, where he grew up. When Michelle and Barack Obama worked in community organizing, law, and politics, they crossed paths with Mr. Miller. They were on their own incredible journey, but it is always interesting to see whose lives intersect. Now, as fate would have it, the Obama Presidential Library is right around the corner between Hyde Park and Woodlawn neighborhoods, as well as various Nonprofits and community organizations that Terrance helps often without pay or recognition but with a genuine heart of service.
We recently reconnected, and this evening, I will meet with his Board, committee members, volunteers, and mutual community change agents. I am thrilled about the honor.
Yesterday, Terrance introduced me to Bill Hill, a botanist, gardener, and, if anything, a healer of souls. Just shaking his hand, you can feel the love overflow from this gentleman. Mr. Hill teaches about traditional ecological knowledge and the value of plants and herbs as medicine for the After School Matters program. ASM inspires Chicago's teens to discover their passions, develop skills for life beyond high school, and make friends along the way. Mr. Hill is a genuine soul who truly cares about young people, and meeting Bill and his partner Jim was inexplicable. The minute we walked into the Hyde Park Botanical Gardens, the birds rejoiced beautifully, breaking out in affirmations along with the nearby flight of butterflies, dragonflies, and bees weaving between us as if to welcome our visit. The bunnies and squirrels were gleefully hopping around, but the little critters knew better than to mess with Bill's plants and herbs!
Pastor Miller is equally exceptional in that he is an encourager whenever he speaks. His kind yet deep tone of voice inspires and moves you to help people, serve people, and rejoice even for the least of these often overlooked. Terrance has served with the United Way as a Violence Prevention Coordinator, Minority Outreach Intervention organizer, ISC NCP Woodlawn, and served in the Navy. If that's not enough, he somehow found the time to earn a Master of Theology at the McCormick Theological Seminary. In contrast, I feel like a slouch.
Yesterday, during our time together, I had a profound Satori (enlightenment)- "timing is everything." We are now at a precise point in our journies where we can work together to bring 'excellence' to Chicago neighborhoods and communities. I feel incredibly blessed and honored to know these gentlemen, primarily because they have the innate energy to rejuvenate, heal, uplift, and recalibrate human beings to be our best selves in service to others. Despite the negativity that often fills the airwaves, it's a true blessing to love, give, help, and work together.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all who contribute to our shared journey, especially Bill and Terrance. Your presence in my life is a constant source of inspiration and growth. Watch out—this sistah is ready to blossom!
Continue to rise,
Elizabeth Asahi Rising Sun Sato
Founder/CEO Rise to Excellence LLC