Trusting College Outcomes to Auto-Pilot
Hans Hanson
I work with people from around the world to navigate the complex college process, including- college search & visits, applications & essays, majors & studies; maximizing scholarships & saving parents $,$$$'s
Auto Pilot Doesn't Work for Getting College Right
Parents of college seniors "can't believe it".
College sophomore students "can't believe it".
Parents of high school seniors "can't believe it".
Where has the time gone? "Time flies" they all say. Deadlines are past. Decisions need to be made. Under family-duress, huge mistakes are made. College experiences and desired outcomes are compromised. To add insult to injury, a massive invoice arrives in your inbox...due in 30 days.
It's all predictable. Why so?
Getting college right is not a defined science, but it is a defined process. College success cannot be put on auto-pilot. Rather, it takes conscious intention. It begins early than you think, even before high school starts.
With goals and ambitions come timelines and deadlines. Just getting in under a deadline is no strategy for success. The closer you move towards the end without making sustainable progress, the more conflict will arise within the family...guaranteed.
With family goals comes a family plan. Absent of a defined plan, you're left with being reactive.
Really, do you want to pursue something as big as college, as costly as a house...reactively?
Not us, rather, everything we do is done proactively. It's Stephen Covey's # 1 Habit of Highly Effective People...and I like to be effective, how about you?
Let me just say this- you can't be effective in this process by being reactive. And you won't be effective by letting the time go by...and it's ticking along.
What are people saying right now?
"I can't believe it, it's just about March already."
Then it will be summer; then 2022, 2023, and so on.
Ask yourself 3 questions-
- What's most important to me?
- What's my 5-year picture look like?
- What's my 1-year plan?
If you need a boost to your conscious intention...
If you'd like your 5-year picture to look clearer...
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