Trustees' Week: 2nd-6th Nov 2020
Heather Knapp
Administrator/Secretary to COO at NODA CIO & Actor with Invitation2Murder
This week is Trustees’ Week, held 2nd - 6th November 2020. It was started to illustrate the fantastic work done by boards of trustees in the UK, and to demonstrate that trusteeship can be for anyone who is passionate about a cause, irrespective of their age, culture or background. An effective trustee board should boast a wide range of skills and experiences and it is important that people of all ages and backgrounds volunteer as trustees.
Trustees are responsible for the strategy and direction of the organisation, ensuring that all activities are in line with the constitutional aims of the charity and that the needs of the beneficiaries are prioritised. They are legally accountable for the charity’s assets and reputation. The role can be both demanding and rewarding, particularly during the pandemic, which has placed increased pressure on charities, both in terms of funds and finding new ways to meet the needs of their service users.
One of the 8 steps to better mental health, is to GIVE BACK to society, and becoming a volunteer or trustee for a charity is one of the ways to do this in a structured way, giving you the opportunity to work as part of a team and learn new skills.
A recent report by Getting On Board found that;
? Over half of all UK trustees are retired. The average age of a trustee is 60-62 and only 0.5% of trustees are 18-24, despite making up 12% of the population. 36% of trustees are female.
? People of colour represent 8% of trustees (vs 14% of the wider population). Other minority groups: disabled people and other minorities are likely to be under-represented (but no stats are available).
? 30% of trustees have a postgraduate education, 60% of trustees have a professional qualification, and 75% of trustees are from households above the national median for household income.
The Charities Commission for England and Wales produced information on the role and responsibilities of being a trustee and hopes to make the sector more diverse and representative of the country as a whole.
But this week we would like to thank all trustees, particularly those at CCC, who have worked to ensure stability and efficacy for CCC and its beneficiaries.