Trustees and scheme managers: your pensions dashboards deadline is coming
Elisabeth Storey
Pensions Audit Director and Head of Pensions Training at RSM, with a particular interest in governance and risk management and helping the pensions industry to protect members and scheme assets
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has launched its new “Deadline” campaign urging trustees and scheme managers to start preparing for pensions dashboards.
It is expected that occupational pension schemes with 100 or more relevant members will connect to the pensions dashboards through a phased approach according to size and type of pension scheme. The first schemes will connect to the dashboards system by June next year and TPR will begin writing to them?at least 12 months ahead of their connection deadline to alert them to what they need to do.
To help trustees and scheme managers get ready, TPR has published Pensions dashboards: initial guidance’ which outlines their legal duties, based on draft regulations, including a checklist to help track progress.
TPR is hosting a webinar and Q&A on 28th July to take you through the steps you need to take to prepare for connection. Register to save your place.