Trusted Evidence Management: Why Agencies are Turning to Fortress Plus Solutions

Trusted Evidence Management: Why Agencies are Turning to Fortress Plus Solutions

In today's legal landscape, properly managing criminal case evidence is one of the most critical and complicated tasks for any law enforcement agency. From maintaining decades-old evidence and documentation to managing inventories that have outgrown their storage space, departments grapple with potentially serious problems every day. These issues may call into question the integrity of the evidence, which can make or break public trust and the pursuit of justice.

Enter Fortress Plus Solutions (FPS), a company founded to provide real-life solutions to the problems law enforcement agencies face in evidence management. These solutions have made FPS a trusted partner for police departments across the country.

This blog explores how FPS's expertise addresses evidence management challenges, focusing specifically on the evidence room inventory. We'll discuss some of the challenges law enforcement agencies face regarding inventory management, some of the complications FPS has encountered when conducting client inventories, and how, with FPS's help, departments can experience the fresh start their evidence rooms need.


The Challenges of Evidence Room Inventories

One of the primary challenges FPS encounters during inventories is the poor condition of evidence labels and documentation. Joe Altman, an FPS evidence custodian and inventory specialist, notes: "It's common, especially for older items of evidence, to find their labels, once hand-written in ink, to be faded to the point where they are almost unreadable – and some are unreadable. This makes identifying the item very difficult and time-consuming."

You might think that hand-written labels and other paper-only documentation systems are outdated; surprisingly, many agencies still rely on them. Besides degrading labels and documents, this system increases the risk of misplaced and lost records. Upon discovery, these situations make the inventory process exceedingly more difficult.

Most law enforcement agencies use some type of computer records system, and many of those have an evidence management module. However, even departments that utilize those modules don't always use all their features. Using the word "features" is a misnomer, really, as many of these records systems are older and not easy to use. For example, the date and time an item is placed in the evidence room may be logged, but no other events establishing the chain of custody are entered. If an item were to leave the evidence room for any reason, it would create an inaccurate record in that database.

Of course, police departments across the country do use modern evidence management systems. These systems are simple to use and provide necessary documentation at the push of a few buttons.

Efficient Inventories Save Precious Resources

At FPS, our experienced professionals are experts at conducting evidence room inventories. Departments trust FPS to save them significant time and effort compared to conducting internal inventories. While periodic internal inventories are a best practice, having skilled, impartial professionals thoroughly review – eyes and hands-on - every piece of evidence can be invaluable, particularly for agencies struggling with overwhelming or mismanaged inventories.

Time, manpower, and accuracy are all aspects of the inventory process. They are all vital in ensuring the integrity of stored evidence, which serves as the foundation of evidence management. It's a cornerstone we emphasize in every blog because it can never be taken for granted. Human error, shortcuts, or tampering can have far-reaching consequences beyond rendering evidence inadmissible in court. Mismanaged evidence undermines public trust and can call into question the integrity of the agency, its personnel, prosecutors, and the courts—essentially, the entire criminal justice system. It's like a line of dominoes; if one topples, the rest may follow suit.

However, a thorough inventory identifies potential issues and allows agencies to resolve them before they escalate into costly operational or public relations nightmares. And having an outside organization conduct the inventory adds credibility and demonstrates transparency in department operations.

We can't discuss efficiency without mentioning technology, and there are "haves" and "have-nots" in this arena. Let's check out two eye-opening examples from real FPS client inventories.


Time is of the Essence

Working with Fortress Plus Solutions streamlines the inventory process without question, but the time required to complete an inventory can vary widely. The department's record-keeping system and the volume of on-hand evidence are the main factors influencing the time.

For example:

  • An inventory of about four hundred items can take up to one full day if the department uses a paper-only system.
  • An inventory of twelve hundred items may only take five or six hours if the agency uses a modern computerized system.

The benefits of using a modern evidence management system cannot be overstated. Comparing the examples above is a testament to their efficiency. The best of these systems will feature the following:

  • Easy and accurate cataloging of items to include other identifying file information (metadata)
  • Barcode or RFID tag scanning for quick identification
  • Comprehensive chain of custody tracking
  • Digital storage and easy or automated saving and exporting of the records to ensure they remain accessible for years and, in some cases, forever.


FPS: A Reliable Partner for Law Enforcement

FPS has quickly positioned itself as a leader in the long-term evidence storage industry. Their expertise in evidence management and dedication to providing cost-effective services have quickly earned them a positive reputation in the public safety sector.

In addition to long-term evidence storage, FPS offers a range of services, including:

  • Evidence and Property Room Inventories
  • Evidence and Property Room Audits
  • Secure Evidence Transportation
  • Expert Testimony
  • Cold Case and Major Case Reviews
  • Polygraph Services

Their services are available nationwide, and FPS has completed inventories for police departments in Illinois, Florida, and Missouri. They are continuing to expand, with potential clients along the eastern seaboard. One notable client may entrust FPS with nearly ten thousand long-term evidentiary items.

Imagine having thousands of long-term storage pieces to account for in your evidence room, and then one day, all those items are no longer a burden. They are all safe, secure, and someone else's responsibility – that being Fortress Plus Solutions.



Efficient and proper evidence management is a must for any law enforcement agency. While making it easier for evidence room personnel is a part of it, the more significant issue is maintaining the integrity of the evidence and the criminal justice process itself. Fortress Plus Solutions shares valuable expertise and insight with departments to help them navigate the complex world of evidence management. Law enforcement agencies nationwide can save time and manpower, safeguard their reputations, and maintain the public's confidence by partnering with FPS.


Fortress Plus Solutions

Fortress Plus Solutions is your trusted partner for long-term evidence storage and preservation. Our reputation is built on expert knowledge, the proven ability to get the job done, a state-of-the-art facility, and a central location in the greater Chicago area, allowing us to serve thousands of departments and other entities, including art galleries, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and private collectors who require safe and secure storage solutions.

At FPS, our warehouse-type facility was designed from the ground up to securely store and preserve your items, providing ample space for clients for years to come.

Founded and operated by retired and active law enforcement professionals, FPS understands the unique challenges of evidence management. Our leadership team has worked shoulder-to-shoulder with law enforcement evidence custodians for decades. This extensive experience gives us the practical knowledge necessary to manage your long-term evidence storage and ensure the physical preservation of your items while strictly adhering to all relevant regulations and laws.

Our business model is centered around offering not just storage and preservation services, but also a deep understanding of how law enforcement agencies work. And that includes budget constraints. We know that successful vendors must deliver value to government clients. That's why FPS offers scalable services, ensuring you only pay for what you need, making our solutions both practical and affordable.

Experience unmatched value in evidence storage and preservation with FPS. There's no charge for a friendly conversation or consultation, for that matter. Let's talk!

Contact Fortress Plus Solutions today at 888-301-1320 or via email at [email protected].


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