Trusted Decentralized Public Infrastructure Networks
Michael Noel
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The?Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was the first wide-area?packet-switched network with distributed control and one of the first computer networks to implement the?TCP/IP protocol suite. Both technologies became the technical foundation of the?Internet .
Fundamentally the infrastructure you are browsing on is still TCP/IP from 1960 and it hasn't changed much. And it's not very secure. TCP/IP stands for?Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the Internet.
The ARPANET was established by the?Advanced Research Projects Agency (now DARPA) of the?United States Department of Defense . Access to the ARPANET was expanded in 1981 when the?National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the?Computer Science Network (CSNET).
In the early 1980s, the NSF funded the establishment of national supercomputing centers at several universities and provided network access and network interconnectivity with the?NSFNET project in 1986. The ARPANET was formally decommissioned in 1990 after?partnerships with the telecommunication and computer industry had assured private sector expansion and commercialization of an expanded worldwide network, known as the Internet.
This internet as we know it today was designed in the 1960's and 60 years later there is quite a lot of activity revolving around a very overdue upgrade .
The Upgrade will include assets needed to build out the next General Purpose Technology Platform (GPT). The famous economist Jeremy Rifkin argues that a third revolution is upon us, and it is fueled by this new general-purpose technology platform. In his book, he describes the economic paradigm shifts of the past and points to three elements that converge to create a general-purpose technology platform to drive the shift:
In the first Industrial Revolution, it was the steam engine, the printing press, and the railroad. In the second, it was electricity, the telephone, and the car. Rifkin believes a powerful Third Revolution platform is emerging to drive an economic paradigm shift in the next 60 years. The three components of this third-revolution platform in his estimation are the Internet (communication), renewable energy (Energy), autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things (Logistics and Transport).?
General-purpose technologies (GPTs) are?technologies that can affect an entire economy?(usually at a national or global level). GPTs have the potential to drastically alter societies through their impact on pre-existing economic and social structures. The two prior Industrial Revolutions were driven by this GPT phenomenon. The current industrial revolution will be no different. The Good News is the technology is already here we just need to deploy the upgrade, and Early adopters will be rewarded.
Very soon the Internet of Things will become the Infrastructure on which all other infrastructures are based.
And this opens up a host of opportunities, this new ambient network can be accessed from anywhere. Localized assets are accessed Locally, delivered by Locals on a network owned by locals (aka Massive Profit Center).
Localized assets like
Mesh Network Failover
Mesh Network Access and Data Transfer (Bandwith)
Broadband in Rural America
Education in Rural Areas
Access to Social Services for Indigent and displaced populations
Far-edge computing (CUDA)
Far-edge storage
Know Your Customer and Anti Money Laundering As A Service (KYCAMLAAS)
security for rural equipment yards,
interagency Law enforcement communications,
Rural connectivity,
Comprehensive IoT network
E-commerce in Rural Areas
and of course, Zero Marginal Costs Services.
Try getting all of that on your parent's internet , you can't.
But you need some things to build this new network, and the new marketplaces and opportunities for commerce now opening. This new network will have options to access the current internet, although from a more secure position. So you will be able to use Facebook for example. You also have local assets embedded in the network you can access that cannot be seen from outside your network.
The magic happens when you combine a few off-the-shelf technologies.
One of the technologies used in this alchemy is Named Data Networking?(NDN) (related to?content-centric networking ?(CCN), content-based networking, data-oriented networking, or information-centric networking (ICN)) is a proposed?Future Internet ?architecture that seeks to address problems in contemporary?internet ?architectures like?IP .[1] [2] ?NDN has its roots in an earlier project, Content-Centric Networking (CCN), which?Van Jacobson ?first publicly presented in 2006.
Van Jacobson?is an American?computer scientist, renowned for his work on?TCP/IP ?network performance and scaling. He is one of the primary contributors to the TCP/IP protocol stack—the technological foundation of today’s Internet. Since 2013, Jacobson has been an?adjunct professor?at the?University of California, Los Angeles?(UCLA) working on?Named Data Networking .
The NDN project is investigating Jacobson's proposed evolution from today's host-centric network architecture IP to a data-centric network architecture (NDN). The stated goal of this project is that with a conceptually simple shift, far-reaching implications for how people design, develop, deploy, and use networks and applications could be realized.
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Michael Noel
Theoretical Economist and WEB 3 Architect @ 100Zero.US
Please feel free to contact me directly on Linkedin,
WEB3 is about You and where You are.