There is always a first time to everything. And the first time always takes greatest of your efforts and energy. I made my account 2 years back but always had this fear what people think about my posts, what is the right way and the right day to inaugurate my writings here. But trust me there is no right time, you have to trust yourself and start whatever you have in your mind. I always used to open my account and scroll endlessly thinking that one day i will have something to post which people will love to read. Trusting my instinct that each one you had your first time, i wish you will read this.
This post is not a technical one, but rather a simple one. There are times in our lives when we are highly demotivated and just want a little ray of hope to continue with our studies/ work/ and our life. Such times are too heavy to bare. In such times there are few things on which you can rely for uplifting your mood; including good motivational books, talking to a friend, seeing your favourite series to chill up your mood, practicing any of your hobbies(art, music, cooking, dancing), going for a walk to a park, spending more time with your loved ones.
The purpose is not to sit idle when you are already demotivated because "an empty mind is a devil's house". Also negative thoughts are more powerful than positive thoughts, so try to engage yourself in something or the other; simple or complex doesn't matter.