Trust in Your Own Househod
Bo Sebastian
OWNER OF HYPNOSIS ON LAS OLAS/LIFE COACHING in Fort Lauderdale and South Florida
Do you trust the people in your house to keep you safe?
"I noticed that during this time of social distancing, I'm even moving farther away from my family, including my spouse."
I have been hearing this statement a lot lately. Interestingly, this is a real threat to our own peace of mind. If you can't trust the very people who are closest with you to keep you safe and protected from this virus, who can you trust? So, we wonder when our spouse comes home from work: Did he touch someone by mistake? Was she around someone who coughed directly on her? Was that dry cough a sign that he is symptomatic?
Family and Children Trust and Safety
I think that all families and close friendship ties should come up with some safety rules that protect everyone. Here are some recommendations:
**If you feel that you may have been unsafe or have been in contact with someone that is infected, voice it immediately;
**Don't wait around for symptoms to come clean about your unsafe contacts (remember the virus is in someone weeks sometimes before any symptoms occur);
**Take more responsibility for your own state of mind. If you feel unsafe because of a family member's actions, speak up!
**At the entrance of your home, put some wipes and sanitizer;
**When you go out and are in your car, if you have access to a face mask, there is never any harm in taking it with you and trying your best to avoid the contact of other people's coughs and germs (Personally, I'm bringing wipes to the grocery store. Some have been out of them at the entrance. Also, keep the wipe with you when you open a freezer door. These metal places hold germs up to 3 days if they are not wiped down.)
Furthermore, for mother, father, spouse, and child, peace comes from trust.
We give away our peace of mind every time we react emotionally to inevitable change in our family unit (this could mean roommates and close friends.) Peace is yours to keep, not give away. So, if you are experiencing anxiety, it's up to you to share why with the people you love. Work it out together. These are the times when we will be closest to our loved ones and also have a great deal of alone time. Use it to your spiritual and physical advantage.
Some friendly reminders about Peace: