Janani Srikanth
Author | Psychologist | Life Coach | Philosopher | Personal Transformation Specialist | Positive Psychology Practitioner | Hypnotherapist | CBT & Mindfulness Practitioner | Organisational Psychology Expert | Engineer
It’s easy to believe life is unfair when it seems like good things keep happening to everyone but you.
A friend lands a dream job.
A cousin gets engaged.
A colleague buys a new home.
You wonder why life hasn’t given you your turn yet. Resentment creeps in. Why them and not me?
But life isn’t as one-sided as it looks. While you’re watching others and feeling left behind, someone else is looking at you, thinking you have it all. You may not even realize it, but the very things you take for granted—your strengths, relationships, or experiences—might be someone else’s silent wish.
We tend to see the highlights of other people’s lives, but not the struggles that come with them. That friend with the dream job? They may be battling self-doubt or burnout. The cousin getting engaged? They may have had heartbreaks they never talk about. The colleague with the new home? They might be under financial stress. Just like someone’s happiness doesn’t mean their life is perfect, your struggles don’t mean your life is lacking.
If you take a step back, you’ll see that your own journey has been filled with both highs and lows—just like everyone else’s.
The more you focus on what others have, the less you appreciate what’s already good in your own life. Gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring your struggles—it means recognizing that your life has its own wins, progress, and moments of fulfillment.
Instead of asking, Why them and not me? try asking, What’s going well for me right now? You might be surprised at what you find.
There’s no universal timeline for love, success, or happiness. Life moves at its own pace for each of us. Your time will come. And when it does, it will be yours.
For now, trust that even in the waiting, life is still moving for you.
If you like my writing, do not forget to check out my bestselling books on Amazon.
'A Balance Called Life' is my Self-Help Book that focuses on a strong foundation for mental health and holistic balance.
'Taste of Fate' is my novel that focuses on healthy relationship dynamics showcases in an engaging serendipitous story.
'Question The Answers' encapsulates my experience as a Life Transformation Coach and offers a toolkit for Personal transformation and reflection.
'Fear OFF Life' offers psychological tools to overcome 21st century fears like FOMO, Fear of Commitment, Fear of Failure to name a few.
An engaging story of love, growth, and balance—'Work-Love Balance' explores healthy relationships and self-discovery. Releasing in March 2025. #StayTuned