Trust and When They Actually Buy
Jerry Fletcher
Consultant Messaging Master, Int'l Professional Speaker, I find the words and graphics individuals and organizations use to become even more memorable and more profitable
Gating Factors
There are only two factors to consider when you build your communications to sell something:
1.? Trust developed with the potential customer.
2.? When they are ready to buy.
The Market
That is the large blue triangle. It is all the potential customers out there for your product or service. It is everyone that has a problem you can solve if you are a consultant or coach, an independent professional of any stripe.
You will never sell all of them. In most cases you are probably giving up 80% of your possible sales. You must structure your approach so that you have earned their trust when they are ready to buy.
Getting to Trust
Trust is not instantaneous. It takes time to develop and requires an ongoing relationship with the individuals that make up the market. When your marketing focuses on a problem that a prospect has right now and you provide the social proof that you can deliver a solution for them a portion of them (up to 20%) will be ready to buy immediately. But to sell the rest you must continue to deliver reasons for them to trust you. One and done just won’t cut it. In my experience you need to touch prospects a minimum of once a week to get to trust. And even then (as shown by the gold triangle) a part of the market will not have faith in you.
?Initial Sales
Just letting prospects know you are in business and have the answer they are looking for will get you some sales (the light green triangle).
Too often people think it all going to be this easy.
It isn’t. These sales are a combination of trust elements in place and the few folks in the market that are ready to buy. The rule of thumb is this is about 20% of those who will purchase your solution to their problem. If you don’t maintain your connection with the rest, you lose.
Long Tail Sales
People don’t spend their hard-earned cash on your schedule. They buy when they are ready. ?The most successful on-line entrepreneurs know that up to 80% of their sales will occur well after the initial announcement . They maintain contact as long as it takes. Personally, I’ve had clients sign up as much as three years after initial contact. Friends in the business frequently report longer time frames. And they tell me about clients that have taken the same course multiple times usually with about a year between sign ups!
To be more profitable, be more memorable.
Provide reasons for them to trust you and your approach regularly. Personalize your engagement with them. Include reminders about your product or service offerings consistently. Maintain your landing pages and automated sequences because it will pay off long term.
It is all about Credibility. And Credibility leads to Cash
The Takeaways:
1.? If you are not trusted prospects will seek other suppliers.
2.? Initial sales are usually less than 20% of the total.
3.? Orienting to when they want to buy is much more profitable.
I’m Jerry Fletcher, strategic messaging consultant and professional international keynote speaker. I find the words and graphics individuals and organizations use to become even more memorable and more profitable. Learn more at my web sites: