The Trust in Waiting
I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.
Psalm 62:1-2, NLT
I am currently at a loss. For the past year, I have been working on one contract or another, with deadlines crowding almost every month. I had no time to wait—or wonder—what I needed to do next. Now, at the start of a new year, I am at a crossroads, and the questions of which direction to turn are almost too much to bear.
The options loom: Do I move or stay put? Do I change genres or plow through with what I’ve been doing. Do I follow my heart . . . or my wallet? Do I pursue my own wishes or wait for others to make the decisions regarding where to go and what to write.
Hasn’t such a moment come for everyone sooner or later? I know most of my friends have faced such choices in the past—and now.
The one decision I have decided to make in the short term is just to wait. To ask in prayer on a daily basis: “What do YOU want of me?” To ask for the right doors to be opened, for the right people to pass across my path.
Such “non-action” is not my usual method of operation. I am not one to sit and wait. And trusting that God will answer those prayers is not easy or simple. Trusting Him is one of the hardest things believers can do. But we must—intentionally and prayerfully—with our eyes up and our hearts open.