Trust the wait and embrace the uncertainty

Trust the wait and embrace the uncertainty

"Anything is possible when nothing is for certain." Destiny is for real. As long as hard work is for real. Post Covid-19 our entire life of humans has become full of glorious uncertainties. The whole year as passed under the dark cloud of uncertainty due to frequent and regular lock downs imposed by various governments and as a results businesses and employees were kept guessing as to where are we leading entering into 2021. But it is proven to go with the flow and make enough room for the uncertain events so that when they strike, you are mentally and physically prepared to do whatever is in your capacity to tackle them.

Uncertainties are a part and parcel of life now a days. You cannot altogether do away with them. They cannot be eliminated. However, you do can be optimistic and be prepared to face them with full force. Therefore do not stress it enough. Control only those things that are really in your control. Don’t go overboard. It works out, life works out somehow. Live in the moment. Learn to be spontaneous. It feels light and makes you a natural problem-solver. It brings confidence.

And have enough faith, go for it and let it flow. Keep calm and be ready to put up your best foot forward in times of stress and chaos. Equip yourself with mental strength, presence of mind and physical stamina. Educate yourself more. Learn constantly and stay alert and patient. Plan your work, work your plan. Prevent more, cure less. Leave the rest. Enjoy and relax more. Let your life remain uncertain and adventurous. Be free of expectations and let life surprise you! Have new experiences and take risks. Feel alive.

Do you know why? Because the only thing certain about your life is that it is going to be uncertain. So why not choose to rather enjoy that unpredictability, insanity, mess and uncertainty. Looking back after it would all have worked out—you will laugh at your past confusions and heave a sigh of relief! You will know then—everything was worth and it all had a purpose and a reason.

"Que Sera Sera" .."whatever will be, will be." I'm not quite sure what that also necessarily implies, does it mean that we have no control over what happens in our lives and we leave everything to destiny as we are resigned to fate accompli? Or is there some underlying force that no matter what we try to do or achieve the end has been already predetermined? It would seem to me that this sounds all rather mechanistic and by logical extension, rules out free will or free moral agency. Do people actually think through these issues when they utter such words or are they merely saying these words to avoid endless ruminations?

Then there are others that believe in a god or gods. That is, these gods provide some sort of surety when uncertainty beckons and we don't know what awaits us. Again, just like with the fate approach, there is the danger that in doing this, they can free themselves of responsibility and are simply pawns in an eternal cosmic battle between evil or good. In the more extreme cases, there is the belief that such a stance, accompanied by good deeds will assure us of good things.

Some, of course, take a more nuanced approach, and have come to accept that belief in a deity merely enables one to become a better person but does not guarantee a lifetime of peace and tranquility. This is not to say that we should take a fatalistic approach and believe that "woe is me, I'm a man of unclean lips."

I'm not assured of living a comfortable and easy life. I'm not assured of not suffering any pain just as I'm not assured that, no matter how hard I try, I will also not any make mistakes and hurt people. But, I feel that I am assured that despite any fear of doom and gloom, despite the many failings that I will make and continue to make, despite the many times that I myself will be wronged, I am loved, unconditionally and without being worthy of it, by someone much greater and more powerful than myself. Sure, there will be some that read this to mean that I am merely taking comfort in some "imaginary friend" and that's fine, that's their opinion. I don't begrudge anybody thinking whatever they like, that's their prerogative.

However, one thing I do know, whether you follow being a Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, atheist, etc - we are not in control of everything, we cannot have our hands in all the levers that shape us and make us who we are and so the best we can possibly do, the most we can try to accomplish is perhaps be "okay in the gray". And how can one do that? Maybe live a life of integrity, uphold yourself to standards which will let you sleep at the end of a day when all throughout it you have been beset by battles, both internal and external. And you do this so that if anybody accuses you of any wrongdoing or harm, you know at least two things that you would have sought to minimize the impact of your actions if you were in the wrong and you will hold yourself accountable for what you've done. So, what else can you do to make your life that little bit better?

Well, here are a few tips I like to try and with varying degrees of success on any given day and let go of the harm that others have caused you, they're not your responsibility; also let go of any resentment at what you feel are injustices that have been perpetrated against you, they're not your fault; and let go of pride and ego; they do not make you a better person. Let go of materialism and the attainment of goods; they will not make you a more rounded individual. And let go of the need to be popular or be liked by everybody; they are just as flawed as you are and their opinions are tainted by their own failings and prejudices anyway. Cheers!


