Trust, But Verify
We produce geospatial analytics for early detection, location, and more of our customer's most pressing challenges.
Satelytics provides strike potential alerts to your vegetation managers. Your team responds by sending arborists to address the issue by trimming or removing the trees. But how can you ensure the work was done properly? In utility vegetation management (UVM), what happens after the alert is just as important as the alert itself.
For years, utilities have relied on a hope-and-pray approach after contracting vegetation work. You send out the crews, receive an invoice, and assume the job is complete. Maybe you even do a few spot checks. But what if the work wasn't completed as specified? What if crucial areas were missed or the work was subpar? The consequences could range from unnecessary costs to potential outages or even safety hazards.
Satelytics knows that effective vegetation management doesn't end with identifying risks. We close the loop with thorough work verification. Our advanced geospatial analytics don't just alert you to potential strikes. They also confirm that the necessary work has been completed to your specifications. That information can be fed into your workflow management and business invoicing/payment software.
Precision Verification at Your Fingertips
With Satelytics' work verification, you're not just managing vegetation—you're optimizing your entire UVM process:
From Alert to Action to Assurance
Don't let your vegetation management efforts fall short at the final hurdle. With Satelytics, you can:
Ready to close the loop on your vegetation management? Contact Satelytics today to see how our work verification function can transform your UVM strategy from uncertain to unbeatable.