Trust The Rope
Being a passionate trekker till a few years back and when one had to rapple down steep cliffs or navigate slippery terrains, we always used to hear this being said by our guides “Trust the Rope”. The rope was a potential life saver and had to be maintained well and continuously checked for damage. It used to be the difference between life and a certain death. And if the rope was well maintained, you could trust it blindly and using it could safely navigate any challenges that came your way. Folks here, who have done any kind of intense trekking or mountaineering would identify with this. It’s been years since I have last trekked but the “Trust the Rope” subject came up in a recent conversation and this set me thinking that in a professional context what could be the equivalent of this and hence what is my “rope” , essentially values, that have always helped me navigate any challenges or storms that came my way and kept my professional compass steady. I thought of sharing the same with all of you and hopefully getting some insights from you on your version of “the rope” that I might learn from too. Here are some of my core values that make up my “rope” and in no specific order:
· Be Authentic. This means being truthful, real & mindful. Whether dealing with people or processes, with teams, clients, bosses or collaborators or vendors, always be authentic. Don’t fake passion, commitment, respect because one day you will get found out if you are not authentic and you will lose all credibility. If you say something, mean it. In this world of “fake is the new real”, authenticity shines like a diamond. For e.g. If you are in a meeting, be there fully. Don’t get distracted by phone calls, messages, emails etc.
· Value Time. Does not matter who you are meeting, always be on time. If you have given your time, be available on time. If you have taken time, be there at least 15 minutes before time. I cannot say enough about the value of being on time. In today’s challenging world of urban commutes, it’s tough to manage time commitments but that cannot be an excuse for being late. Plan your commute well. There are tons of times when I reach far earlier than usual but I would rather be 30 minutes early than even a second late.
· Integrity – Whatever be the situation, occasion, environment always work with integrity. This is one value that cannot be compromised on. Whether dealing with people, relationships, teams, systems operate with integrity. And this is not what you do for others, but you do because you believe it is the right thing to do. In my career there were many occasions where the challenge placed itself in front me, to operate with flexible integrity to get things done, but till date have never compromised there. I have faced the brunt of it but can proudly say that I have survived and so will you. The thing about integrity is that there is no grey area, it is there or not there. Integrity is non compromisable.
· Build Trust – Be the person that people trust. Whether your bosses, peers, colleagues or teams, create an environment of trust around you. When people operate in an environment of trust, it has the potential to create magic at the workplace and with your client ecosystem.
· Lead from the front – Know when to be in front of the operational line and when to stay behind. Most important, know when to stand shoulder to shoulder with your team. Leadership is all about getting it done together and transferring the belief that it can be done. Team above one. Demonstrate that.
· Be All In – Operate with passion. Whatever you do, do it with a lot of passion. Passion has the power to convert disbelievers into believers and impossible into possible. People love to work with people who are passionate, passion attracts followers. And where logic fails, passion succeeds. Be Passionate. Be all in, no half measures.
· Acknowledge & Express Gratitude – Never forget those who have helped you in your journey and acknowledge their contribution. This also extends into all those who work with you and help you succeed. The ability to acknowledge & express gratitude is highly underrated, but it has far reaching positive consequences in your life than you can ever imagine. It gives you good Karma.
· Stay Curious – Always be willing to learn and know more. Whether it is your peers, team members or external inputs, be open to acquiring knowledge from any source. If you are open to both learning and unlearning, it will keep you forever in knowledge seeking and continuous improvement mode and help you be relevant.
· Control the Controllable – Never forget that you are human after all with all the inherent constraints of being that. Everything will not go the way you want and more often than not you will face extreme challenges. There will be tons of things you cannot control, what will be in your hands will be to control the process, your own emotions, your response and whatever you can directly influence. Rest leave it to destiny, learn from it and move on.
· Stay Humble – Treat every person you meet on his or her own merit and not by the badge they wear. Be compassionate, empathetic and treat people with respect. Don’t let ego come in the way of your success. Humility is a gift that never stops giving. Practice it mindfully, you will win a lot of hearts.
· Always be optimistic – Last but not the least, always believe that great things are around the corner and they will all happen to you. Success or failures, neither are temporary and neither are permanent. But be positive that the toughest times do pass, and it will all be eventually ok. Irrespective of what is happening around you, stay motivated and positive. Positivity changes things for the better very quickly.
I would love to hear from you on what do you think about this and if you have anything that you believe in and has worked for you. Do hashtag is as #trusttherope so that it becomes easy for people to resource this.
Mandar Natekar.
Story Teller - Student
5 年Very nice !!
Media Agency Leader | New Business Specialist | Media Marketing
5 年Superb read
Inventor & Founder
5 年Couldn't agree more