On trust, risk and credibility
Think about these situations -
All these scenarios have one important element - asymmetry of information. And now that you see the pattern you will see more in everyday engagements. The asymmetry leads to harms in reputation and often risks to business and brand - as this recent incident of transcript forgery will show.
In some cases, the candidates are even logging into the official website, editing the rank list and saving it in the cache of their personal computers to be presented as proof to unsuspecting family members and friends.
This deficit of trust is a risk. And using an informal method (looking at feedback and ratings) or a community/social method (depending on friends and family to suggest the right choice) is not the only way to reduce the risk. Open standards based approaches exist which create trusted ecosystems between the three main actors in any transaction - the issuer of a certificate (or, record); the holder of the certificate (or, record) and the verifier (of the claim made by the holder).
Often described as the "Trust Triangle", digitally verifiable credentials like the ones which can be created on #MARKStudio by Dhiway allow issuing organizations to create cryptographically secure, digitally verifiable, portable and tamper-resistant records which are durable. These credentials enable the verifier to seek answers to the 4 important aspects
An important context associated with any record is current status - is the certificate current, has the license expired or has the transcript been revoked - these are bits which are incredibly difficult to deduce from the traditional printed record model which does not contain any cryptographic method to enable a verification path.
These 4 aspects also enable creating the audit-ready digital trail of additional aspects associated with any record
Organizations have to switch over to digitally verifiable records as a way to mitigate risks from forgery and tampering. The issuers of high value certificates of learning, skills and experience will see immediate business benefits such as
Insecure paper based approaches are not capable of addressing the challenges presented by digital techniques of alteration and modification. Cryptography based digitally verifiable credentials are the way forward for creating a secure web of trust.
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