Trust the process but do the work.
Yoga at sunset taken from the Glastonbury Yoga retreat.

Trust the process but do the work.

Seven years ago this month Cell Regeneration LTD was registered with Companies House.

I always knew I wanted my own business and there was a time when I was not on the right path and in that time I was suffering from anxiety. I would go as far to say that the anxiety I was going through helped me recognise that things needed to change and it did help bring me to where I am today.

A few weekends ago I attended a Yoga retreat hosted by the wonderful Emma Barfield in Glastonbury. There is something about a group of female strangers coming together who like to flow and dip their toe into spirituality. I arrived at the yoga retreat bursting with gratitude for where I am in life right now. So much so I was feeling overwhelmed- mainly because I found my dream home and I wasn't sure if I could get it....all worked out ok in the end.

In no particular order what I am most grateful about;

1.I have an ever growing business which helps people
2. I have a man in my life who is magic
3. I have a dog who brings me so much joy
4. I have a loving and supportive family
5. There is alot of love, support, happiness and special memories between my friends and I
6. I live in the most beautiful home
7. I have had and keep on having the most incredible life experiences and travels
8. I am fit, healthy and happy

Emma opened up one of our practices with this quote;

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." C.G. Jung"

The reason I shared this quote, not only because it resonates with me but I do feel we live in an 'entitled society.'




believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment."kids who feel so entitled and think the world will revolve around them"

I have been through some tough times in life both physically and mentally and I have learnt the hard way - you have to take responsibility for yourself. We are the cause and we are the solution.

In this instance I am going to associate this with medicine, as this is a blog for my work and not my political or social view.

Please explore all possibilities and be aware that conventional medicine is not the only answer. There are sooooo many incredible therapies, technologies, preventative methods; exercise, healthy eating or just improve the way you live your life (i.e do more of the things you love, stress manage, less alcohol, be kinder).

As most of you know I have worked with the incredible MBST technology for 7 years and this week I was lucky to meet with some additional technologies that benefit health. These technologies are from various places around the world and can be used in managing Parkinsons, MS, Dementia and Autism symptoms (just to name a few examples). The technologies, including MBST all differ in their capabilities and how they work, however they have one thing in common.

They use Physics for medical purposes

The MBST technology itself has interestingly developed into regeneration of the liver and wound healing. Watch this space for my very own case study of my belly scar in the next coming months. For now I must tell you about a case in India who had the MBST liver treatment. The patient had borderline Cirrhosis and after just 2 weeks the liver had 80% improvement. It blew the Doctors mind so much he thought the test had been wrong in the first instance.

Live your best life by not feeling entitled and dependent on the NHS (it is a marvellous thing that us as a country have- but please help take the pressure off it). Look around you for the opportunities that are there and help yourself. Don't think out of the box- there is no bloody box! Be much more open minded and be willing to do the research. It will bring so many new opportunities and quality of life. Hopefully one day (I hope to be a part of it) all these incredible technologies will become much more obvious and accessible.

If you ever wish to ask me to help you find alternatives/ additional help- I will help anyone- Just ask :)



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