Trust is a major part of being a good leader.
Today's story: Today I am working from home. I do this many times. Its great. I can work in my sweats and really knock out a load of work. Its quiet and peaceful. I love working at the office - camaraderie and hilarity exude everywhere) but there are some times when you get a lot more done at home. Its also great to pop downstairs for a snack and a chat to the husband (who has his own business and works from home)!
Remote working is becoming more a thing of the norm. This requires trust from the employer. They trust their employees to work and do their stuff. Not sit around, eat bon bons and play on Facebook!
I recently was on the Zapier site and saw that they were hiring. Just curious (not for me) I snuck a look. A lot of their employees work remotely around the world. Love it! They are definitely a company to work for as they trust and respect their team.
Because I have been given this trust by my CEO, I work harder. I respect him more. I am more loyal. I am more successful and confident. Its a win win for him and me. And, it ultimately increases our profitability.
So whats your thoughts on remote working? Good, bad and the ugly.
#zapier Main image: