When someone says ‘trust me, I’m an expert’ remember one thing: if that’s really true, then they’ve made more mistakes in their field than anyone else.?
If they haven’t, or if they won’t own any, then in the words of investor Steven Eismen (played by Steve Carell in ‘The Big Short’), it’s time to call bullshit. If you remember the whole retinue of ‘experts’ who popped up during the pandemic, and somehow keep popping like clowns from a small car, you know what I mean.?
Some time ago, the ‘experts’ told us:?
- Giving Nazi Germany what it wants means peace in Europe.?
- Saddam Hussein has stockpiles of WMD.?
- Mortgage Backed Securities are indestructible.?
- We can build a bullet train from LA to SF for an easy 10 billion.
- More recently—and I kid you not—the experts said:?
- Wearing a mask during sex protects you from Covid.?
- Joining huge crowds to protest George Floyd’s death (and / or fight racism by torching a liquor store) poses no risk of Covid transmission.?
- Defunding police departments makes neighborhoods safer.?
- Printing whatever money you want has no consequences.?
- Giving your money to a whiz kid in the Bahamas helps society through ‘effective altruism’?
- Open air drug use and street camping (plus throwing 7.2 billion on free housing) reduces harm.?
- The Taliban won’t take over Afghanistan when American forces leave.
And finally, if you can stomach it:?
- That rush-job vaccine pharmaceutical companies aren’t liable for is 100 percent effective… until it isn’t.??
Believe what you want to—or don’t.