Trust - A key Leadership Skills!

Trust - A key Leadership Skills!

The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority” – Ken Blanchard.

How do you build trust fast during your Interim Executive engagements?” asked a Manager from a large manufacturing company.

I was invited to share my experiences with attendees during the last evening of a weeklong performance workshop they were attending. The group comprised of middle managers marked for promotion, a few CISOs and other senior executives from large and mid-sized organizations.

This was a thought-provoking question for me. I have been working in interim CTO and interim leadership roles for quite some time. I understood the value of building trust, but I had never given much thought to how I go about developing trust during these engagements.

That’s a thought-provoking question”, I stalled. I needed time to think.

My engagements are typically high stakes work. Things get complicated on emerging tech initiatives involving Blockchain, IoT, and AI. As an interim, I lack the benefit an employee has of knowing how people, culture, and processes work in their company. An interim has to catch on fast, develop trust and relationships quickly, and become effective. Developing trust in an unknown environment is not easy.

Running out of time, and needing to come up with an answer to the question, I quickly ran through a few past engagements in my head. I thought of a recent engagement for a Fortune 500 Company that would impact revenue and potentially the stock price. The executive committee and their organizations had to be aligned in a short time to meet an analyst briefing deadline.

I thought of how new regulations drove a short-fuse technology initiative at another client.

Still trying to identify a common theme, I thought of a digital transformation and cloud migration initiative for a large PE-owned company that had aggressive timelines. Suddenly, it was crystal clear to me. I realized that I had applied a few skills consistently on each of these assignments to build trust fast. I had my answer!

Identifying the true intent of the assignment, drive, and ability to deliver, transparency, collaboration, and conflict resolution are some of the key tools I have applied consistently,” I replied.

The attendees in the audience had follow-up questions and asked me to elaborate on them. A summary of key discussion points that ensued is as below.

1.     Get to the true intent fast!

I have often discovered that the main intent of a business or technology initiative is buried somewhere deep in the assignment, and not adequately communicated to all parties. Without understanding the main intent, one will have a hard time winning cross-organizational support.

For example, at an assignment for a corporation with over 40,000 employees, what appeared to a cybersecurity posture improvement effort turned out to be a digital transformation & customer journey initiative primarily, and a cybersecurity initiative secondarily!

Once I understood this, convincing the Chief Product Officer and other Executives to collaborate with us became easier. I was speaking their language! My teams got the support they needed.

2.     Drive and the ability to deliver

An individual’s drive to deliver shows through the confidence emanating from the core of their being. It also brings an infectious enthusiasm. It motivates others to collaborate readily.

Add to this an ability to paint the vision of success and deliver on promises, and one has a winning recipe for building trust. 

At another client, a large business intelligence effort had stalled. The stakeholders - business, IT, and the company’s institutional clients were all discussing the product and its reports in abstraction. The company risked having unhappy clients.

By creating a working platform simulation that produced sample reports, we turned abstraction into reality. Excitement developed and organizational hurdles fell. Client concerns turned into collaboration and the platform was developed successfully.

3.     Transparency

Transparency invites trust that continues to grow with high-quality work. A lack of transparency shows through very quickly. People are smart. They can intuit and identify a person’s intent. When others can unhesitatingly identify where an individual is headed, transparency is established.

So many times, consultants get caught up in choosing sides that cloud transparency. Clients begin to lose trust in such situations.

However, transparency is not a weakness. If anything, transparency invites collaboration.

4.     Conflict Resolution

An important part of conflict resolution is the ability to separate the issue from the personalities. Without this separation, a reasonable resolution path is hard to determine.

I was once involved in the development of a B2B technology for an industry-wide group of medium and large companies. This platform was a high stakes game changer for the participants. Other companies with competing offers already held a dominant market share.

As was expected, each of the participating companies had different requirements and opinions, so conflicts were common. Emotions ran high and deep.

Separating the personalities from the issues made it possible for us to eventually figure out the common denominator requirements across the participating businesses. It helped align them all towards the common goals of the platform.

The platform launched successfully in record time. It put the industry’s offering in a dominant market position that continues to this day.


Humans possess trust development traits. Building trust, and maintaining it is an on-going effort. Trust is an asset equally applicable to interim assignments and jobs alike. It requires constant nurturing.

What makes you successful at work? I invite you to share for others to benefit from.

About JP Batra, Author

I am an Emerging Technology and Blockchain Advisor, Interim CTO/CIO for mid-market companies, and Interim Functional Executive Leader for larger corporations. A distinguished innovator thought leader, and visionary B2T strategist, I transform IT departments getting them ready to thrive in disruptive environments. I develop emerging technologies use cases for Companies. I develop & deploy innovative products creating Greenfield opportunities for Companies. My work has resulted in business acceleration using technology and better employee engagement. I can be reached at [email protected]

Relevant Keywords: #EmergingTech, #AI, #Blockchain #IoT, #Innovation #Disruption, #ProductDevelopment #Product #Management, #CEO, #CTO, #CIO, #CFO, #InterimCTO, #Leadership #Happiness, #Motivation, #Corporation #Inspiration

Deb Daufeldt

Counselor, Coach, & Consultant Helping Business and other Professionals with Relationship, Life, and Career Challenges

5 年

Well said, JP.? Trust is a critical component of every successful relationship, whether personal or professional.? One addition to the skills you identified that has served me well is to lead and listen with empathy.? By letting others know that I have heard them and understand things from their perspective, I am able to develop trust and respect quickly and successfully.? Thanks for sharing!

JP Batra

Transformative CTO | CIO | CPO | Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Tech | Cloud | Functional Consulting - Innovation, Portfolio/Product Management

5 年

Thomas J. Sweet, Helmut Oehring, George Holland?and Duc Chu? Jeff Wysocki, ,?Jeff Knight?and Hunter Muller?that I conversed recently with come to mind as strong leaders! So many more in my network! A solid network of committed professionals.


转型的全球技术领先| QA主任| |质量保证总监副总裁| CTO

5 年

great post JP Batra


