Julie Mantyla
Executive Recruiter for all Hospital Leadership Roles, both Clinical and Professional
Trust. What an interesting word. I hear the word, and I immediately think about all the times my trust has been broken by not only competitors, but by allies. by friends. by family. What about those times that I promised myself I would or wouldn't do something, but then I break that trust and disappoint myself.
Perhaps trust is just something that shouldn't be spoken about. or written about. or thought about. Just as promises shouldn't be spoken. or written. or thought. Because, should you break that fine, gossamer thread, gracefully connecting each person to another, the fray in that thread will certainly unravel, when under strain of the weight of bitter words.
Trust is a concept, not something tangible, not something to be held or seen. Trust is a sense. a feeling.
As time goes on, and relationships grow, trust is solely based on actions and inactions. One doesn't voice that they won't cheat. They just don't cheat. One doesn't state they'll work to make money to pay the bills and support others. They just do it. One doesn't proclaim they'll be nicer. They just are. One doesn't promise results. They just deliver.
Trust me (LOL), once you get to know me, you'll know my style in recruiting.
If you want an ally and someone to represent either you or your medical facility in growing Leadership, let me know. [email protected].
Carry on, and Happy Holidays!
What an interesting post Julie Mantyla!!!! Never thought about trust that way before ??