TRUST goes missing without HUMILITY...

TRUST - spoke about this yesterday, and end-day, it is upon each one of us to take the all-important first step towards offering TRUST to others, before being able to earn their TRUST in return.

However, in us taking that first step, but if our psyche and mindset is still such that, I am "more superior" than you are, "you are not my equal" (in other words, inversely feeling that the opposite is inferior to you), then TRUST will never be established at all...

While it is one thing to have self-confidence about one's ability and capability to do things and deliver, it is another to allow this same self-confidence to overpower us to the extent that we feel that others cannot be right, and hence, I cannot be wrong! Now that's bordering on being arrogant, ego-centric even and not wanting to accept others' view points...

In this ever-connected, collaborative, and interdependent world, no longer can we say, " is my way or no way". I am sure the following rings familiarity:

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." African proverb

That is the reality of our world and universe now, whether you realize it or not, whether you choose to accept it or not. Start by being humble, peel away the pride and "superiority complex", consider and hear out others; and accept that "I may not be correct all the times".

Once this is built and nurtured long enough, others can see that we are genuine, and TRUST will be earned eventually. Definitely a long process but one that's worth every single ounce of effort from each of us.

And the above, ties into any settings: whether we talk about nation building, business entities and organizations, a department or a small team of people working together to achieve a common goal.

#staysafe #TrustHumilityEmpathy #CulturalAffinity #MLTalentSolutions #MikeLeong #GlobalGrowthHunter 



