Happy Month of May my Lovelies!
Soooooo many things are in the works and I am super excited watching it all manifest right before my eyes… BEing Human is such a magical experience!
How are you feeling?
I feel like my whole world is opening up and it feels amazing, and I know not everyone has the same view of the world as I do.
Lately, I have been challenging my Self to really focus on doing things that feel fluid and free in my body. I have been choosing to BE around people who are uplifting, loving and supportive. I am also making time to visualize what is next… along with some rest and self-care of course too. Shout out to my new massage therapist here in Austin! If you'd like his contact info send me an email.
As I am practicing all of this consistently, I am noticing the change in how my body feels throughout the day. I notice that making decisions and discerning what is best in the moment have become easier for me. I don’t feel as overwhelmed. As I’ve shared before, I am all about ALIGNING instead of feeling like I have to “hustle” to “make something happen” these days. Don’t misunderstand. I make an effort, reach out and continue creating AND when I stop, observe and listen a little more, life truly unfolds right in front of me. I mean the synchronicities, signs and people showing up for me regularly are stunning!
Just last week when I was walking the dog, I met some new neighbors. They have lived here for 6.5 years. I have passed by there house many times, but didn’t speak to them until a couple of weeks ago. Turns out the wife is a lawyer and is into sound healing! I was also looking for someone with legal expertise to be a part of the non-profit and she agreed to be on our team. The Universe delivered what I was asking for two doors down, in the middle of the countryside, on an unpaved road. She also connected me with the person that runs the community center in the next town over where I’ll be sharing a new monthly group sound healing session. I am never surprised by these things when they happen, however, I am always in awe and full of gratitude.
Another beautiful synchronicity happened through an actual sign on the side of the road on the way home for a community market. The Red Rock community center hosted a little farmer’s market over the weekend and I went to see about offering sessions there as well. I walked up to the first person I saw, and she happened to be the board president for the space. Turns out they are interested in sound healing too. And, when I walked into the building I began to cry and felt emotional. I knew I was right where I was supposed to be. I was also given a yummy piece of home-made spice cake with cream cheese frosting while I was there! This is the cake I requested every year for my birthday when I was a kid. So much magic!
In addition, I have been able to expand the sound healing classes I have been sharing at Travis State Jail to the Lockhart facility. I have a meeting with the Gatesville facility this week and have the possibility to work at the transitional center with formerly incarcerated folks as well. The Adara Collective non-profit will be up and running in the next few weeks and I am secured in multiple locations already. Now, to write up my letters to send to foundations asking for support. Grant writing will start soon too. So Exciting!
So, does this mean I am always in a state of bliss? Of course not, I am human. I feel afraid that I am not enough or that I will never accomplish the dreams I am dreaming. I doubt my Self and sometimes lay around staring at the four walls of my home. Yet each day when I wake up, I feel the energy to continue moving forward into my dreams again. It simply looks different every day. Some are more lively than others and ALL are equally correct and valid.
What I’m saying is… Trust your Self and practice what brings you JOY! Practice sitting in meditation more often to remember how to hear your true voice within. I am finding the more I do this, the more I am able to receive. People show up at the perfect time. New opportunities to share sound healing and do what I love appear effortlessly. There is also quality time to rest and take care of my Self more often when I’m not focused on the negative or what I don’t have in the moment.
Thank YOU for tuning in, connecting, and creating with me! I value each one of YOU so much!
If you're in the Austin area, please join me at one of my group sessions or schedule a private in-home session for your own self-care!
You can find all the information for group sessions on my website under the commUnity page !
I Love You,
If you're interested in a FREE Sound Healing with Guided Meditation CLICK HERE?!