A trust cloning renaissance
Trust cloning

A trust cloning renaissance

  • Almost 15 years have passed since the Federal Government repealed the trust cloning exceptions to CGT events E1 and E2.
  • Since that time, variations on a theme have been considered by the ATO.? For example, TR 2018/6 and TD 2019/4.
  • There is a rollover that is regularly forgotten by advisors, which could be a solution for clients in certain circumstances.? Specifically, the rollover under sub-division 126-G of the ITAA97.?
  • Existing concessions may only provide limited (or no) relief for clients living through succession planning and/or family breakdown.? Accordingly, are we in for a trust cloning renaissance of sorts over the coming months and years??

Clients living through succession planning and/or family breakdown may be surprised to learn that the options for tax relief are limited.? It probably comes as more of a surprise when they realise tax could become payable to the ATO even when no cash is exchanged between the parties.

Enter the trust rollover under sub-division 126-G of the ITAA 1997 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997).

Sub-division 126-G of the ITAA 1997 permits trust cloning in certain circumstances.? It broadly requires the following elements to be satisfied, enabling clients to be eligible for relief:

  1. there is a transferring trust (Transferor) and a receiving trust (Recipient);
  2. the Recipient is a new trust, or an existing trust with only a small amount of cash or debt;....more to come

This article will be released in full in the coming weeks. Contact me to find out more: + 61 3 8644 3522.

???? Vincent Licciardi are these trading stock or on capital account - Dr Lex Fullarton and Dale Pinto didn’t consider cloned creatures in their paper examining the decision in Wade’s Case, the way the ATO interprets the decision and Kitto J’s dissent!



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