Trump’s Unpredictability Weighs On The Economy’s Direction (Gulf News Column)
Harry G. Broadman
Global Business Executive & Counselor║Board Chair, Audit Committee Chair║Columnist║Keynoter ? EX White House║CFIUS║Private Equity║PwC║World Bank║US Senate║Brookings║Resources for the Future Inc║Harvard, Hopkins Faculties
The Trump economic team, led by the occupant of the Oval Office himself, seemingly is working hard to undermine any confidence one truly wants to have in them that they actually have an economic policy strategy.
In this new monthly Gulf News column (the first of a two-part column), I argue that perhaps that’s too harsh: they do have a ‘strategy’ in the economic domain; it’s just that it is incoherent and characterized by a fraught decision-making process leading to policy gyrations that are unprecedented in modern U.S. history.
The result will be a much more pernicious effect on economic growth, business investment and job creation than widely thought—even by the ... click here for the rest of the column.
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