Trump's three pronged attack upon the UNITED States explained. It is in tandem with agreements he has with Putin.
A. First of all is an attempt to amend the US Constitution by fiat, as is noted here
Donald Trump’s legal troubles have had an unexpected result – the proclamation of a view of the Presidency, in which Trump is legally untouchable and newly all-powerful. The head of the party of limited government has proposed a theory of American democracy, the unlimited Presidency, and the rest of his party has fallen into line.
The district attorney of Manhattan is trying to obtain Trump’s financial records, including tax returns, in the case about whether the payments to Stormy Daniels by his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, then reimbursed by Trump, were legal. William Consovoy, Trump’s lawyer, told the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals that as President, Trump is immune from the entire judicial system. Consovoy said that if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, he could be charged with a crime only after he is out of office.
After the hearings about the Mueller investigation, Trump said in a speech about the Constitution in July 2019, “Then, I have an Article II, where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president.”
Trump’s impeachment defense team based their case on a belief that the Presidency is much more than one of three separate and equal powers. Alan Dershowitz argued during the impeachment trial in the Senate that anything a President does to help his re-election is in the public interest, and thus not impeachable.
In a tweet about the recent legal case of Roger Stone, Trump insisted that he has a “legal right” to intervene in criminal cases.
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The above constitutes amending the US Constitution by fiat and is not being challenged effectively.
B. Secondly, destruction of the Rule of Law, in terms of Pardons. This is self explanatory but deserves being restated. It is so weird that the following nonsensical explanation was offered:
White House spokesman offers bizarro explanation for Trump’s pardon spree
White House Spokesperson Hogan Gidley, Screengrab
Written by Jen Hayden / Daily Kos February 19, 2020
If you include the long, long campaign season, we are roughly five years into our Donald Trump hell. During that time, Trump has told thousands of lies. Layers upon layers of lies. And not only does he surround himself with people who do the same, but he demands it of them. Ask Sean Spicer, or ask Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who so struggled to answer for or repeat Donald Trump’s lies from the White House podium that she stopped having press conferences altogether.
Enter Hogan Gidley, principal deputy White House press secretary, a man with a penchant for delivering dizzying talking points in the White House driveway while standing under a $400 Burberry umbrella that matches his pocket handkerchief and his $2,000 raincoat. It’s a wonder these folks were able to convince a large swath of Americans that they represent blue-collar families, but I digress.
Gidley hit the television network, the only one the White House talks to, to explain Donald Trump’s most recent head-scratching pardons, and he offered an equally head-scratching explanation of why he chose these particular people to pardon.
Jennifer Jacobs
“The president is against aggressive sentencing,” whether it’s Alice Johnson or Rod Blagojevich, spokesman Hogan Gidley says on Fox News.
10:39 AM - Feb 19, 2020
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“The president is against aggressive sentencing.” Excuse me, what? The man spent two years leading “Lock her up” chants about his political rival. He literally campaigned on aggressively sentencing his political opponent for the crime of … something something.
It was only a week ago that Trump said he admired China for holding quick trials and executing drug dealers. His exact words: “Countries with a powerful death penalty, with a fair but quick trial, they have very little if any drug problem. That includes China.”
Wouldn’t the death penalty after a “quick trial” be the most aggressive sentence of all?
That wasn’t the first time that Donald Trump has expressed support for executing drug dealers. He’s reportedly mentioned the idea to aides many times since taking office, citing the policies of Singapore and the Philippines.
Of course, what’s really at play here is yet another example of our two justice systems—one for powerful white men and their allies, and one for the rest of us. Defrauding people is just the cost of doing business to people like Trump. Prison and punishment are for the little people in $20 rain jackets, or political opponents they don’t like, not for Burberry men like themselves. Transactions like pardons and clemency are simply another form of currency for men like Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani. Expect to see Bernard Kerik return the favor by continuing to heavily praise and promote Trump on Fox News, something he’s been inexplicably booked to do in recent months despite his conviction on corruption charges, for peddling his influence as NYC’s top police officer for his own personal gain.
At the end of the day, it’s more lies, more shame, more of a stain on this nation and the idea of law and order.
UPDATE: Guess who will be praising Donald Trump on Fox News tonight?
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This on the part of the White house is word salad and is easily falsifiable.
C. Thirdly, destruction of the US Currency (USD) as the worlds reserve currency, due to other countries being intimidated by the corruption of the Trump regime:
See my prior article
Another Trump Pal Put Behind Bars As Roger Stone Gets 3+ Years- I bet Trump does Stone Pardon. This will end USD as Reserve currency for the world
- Published on February 20, 2020
As stated in a piece cited in this article,
Wall Street hasn't wobbled yet. But over time no one doubts the admonition Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan once offered to liberated nations of the former Soviet Union: "Market economies depend on the rule of law."
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I.e. this law breaking will eventually lead to the end of the US Dollar as the reserve currency of the world. If that is intended, the strategy is genius, but this is what the Trump mega corruption will lead to.
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All these three prongs of attack have been discussed with Vladimir Putin as a co ordinated strategy for the destruction of the USA, and Trump is fully on board with it, so long as his lifestyle of wealth and ease is not interfered with
A. First of all is an attempt to amend the US Constitution by fiat
B. Secondly, destruction of the Rule of Law, in terms of Pardons. This is self explanatory but deserves being restated.
C.Thirdly, destruction of the US Currency (USD) as the worlds reserve currency, due to other countries being intimidated by the corruption of the Trump regime
So what will you, the reader do about it? Sit by and see the USA utterly destroyed by Trump? Or fight back. It is your decision
Andrew Beckwith, PhD