Trump's lawyers in the Senate are now making threats . This is Jury Tampering. If Chief Justice USSC Roberts does not step in, others will intervene.
This is the worst thing which could be transpiring for Team Trump. His lawyers have been outed as threatening GOP senators and this is JURY tampering. That this is happening is proof positive of a blatant disregard for due process.
See this:
Trump’s Lawyers Are Threatening Republican Senators On Witnesses
Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that Trump’s lawyers are threatening Republican Senators on the witness vote.
Trump’s Lawyers Threaten Republican Senators Ahead of Witness Vote
Leader Schumer said:
I believe Senate Republicans and the president’s team are worried about the vote. Yesterday Mr. Sekulow said that if the senate elects to subpoena witnesses and documents, the president’s team will force all sorts of manner of delay, to take the managers to court, assert privilege, drag it on forever. It was a shocking admission from Mr. Sekulow, revealing how concerned the president’s team are, how afraid they are. Of course, his argument isn’t true.
There’s no reason for endless delays. The documents are compiled. One key witness has already said he’d testify. We’d expect the others to comply if subpoenaed and questions of privilege can be sorted out right here in the senate. Mr. Sekulow’s argument was nothing more than a threat, a shakedown. He told Senators to their faces that the president’s team will do whatever it possibly can to prevent them from seeing the truth. It reminds you of something the president would do or say, and it should offend my Republican colleagues just as much as it offends us Democrats.
Sarah Reese Jones
Schumer says Republicans and Trump are worried about the witness vote and accuses Trump's lawyers of threatening Republican Senators. #impeachmentTrial
End of quote
What can be done about this ? The easiest route would be for Nancy Pelosi to impose a 72 hour Psychiatric hold on Donald Trump, i.e. a mandatory stay in Saint Elizabeth Hospital. After Trump fails that psychiatric exam review, the legal team which is now threatening the GOP part of the Senate Jury needs to be investigated for felony witness tampering and called to justice. This would be a one-two punch at the heart of the fraud being perpetuated against the United States.
Andrew Beckwith, PhD