Trump's "Kapos", the Jewish Ghetto Police in Support of Trump and the Neo Nazis
Jews supporting Trump in his defense of the Neo Nazis, White Supremists, and the KKK (and other "fine people") for personal and professional gain, whether financially or for power and prestige, defile the memories of who we are as Americans and the reason why our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents came to the United States for safe haven and freedom:
Gary Cohn (big money manipulator from the drainage of the "Swamp"-silent; Steven Mnuchin (from the "Swamp" sewage overflow): a vile opportunist who fools no one; Jared Kushner (son of a convicted felon): an orthordox Jew, a little boy who remains silent in the face of Neo Nazis who would stomp him into a pulp.
Add to this repulsive list Trump's loud mouth thugs with law degrees: Michael Cohen ("Who says?") and Marc Kasowitz ("Watch your back, bitch?"). In addition, Trump is pleased to present: (Ambassador) Jason Greenblatt (another attorney who brooks no criticism because he is ... just ... right, very right): silent; and (Special Envoy to the Middle East) David Friedman (another attorney, surprise, who wants to rule in the Trump dictatorship: silent.
They are a disgrace to their families, communities, and heritage because they refuse to pay respect to all the people who were put into concentration camps, gassed, tortured, and murdered, as well as the millions of Americans who fought against the Nazis and gave their lives so that they could support a fascist. They are silent in Trump's wake, as he gives recognition to the Neo Nazis and White Supremists who would plunge a stake through their hearts and piss on them while doing it.
And then there is Stephen Miller, in a case of broken shards of glass by himself with no words adequate to describe an entitled, fascist who declared that no one can challenge the President—that Trump's authority "will not be questioned." In Nazi Germany, perhaps. Russia and North Korea, for sure. This cadre of repugnant slugs who crawled out from the darkest parts of of the ugliest episodes of history resurrect the images the "Kapos", the Jewish Ghetto Police who, to save themselves, supported the Nazis and destroyed the lives of others. They are cowards who demean what it means, not just to be American, but to be human.