Trump, your VALET from the NAVY has Conavirus. It is too late for you to go raving about conspiracies. Admit you need help. You are crazy. Quit POTUS
YOU Trump are beyond being an ordinary psychopath. Due to the fact you REFUSE social distancing in the WHITE HOUSE . This is why the Conavirus is in the WH, NOW.
FYI, this matter of CONAVIRUS illness is not about you. There will be deaths in the WH because YOU refuse social distancing and masks. Your EGO is so huge, and fragile that perish the thought that YOU have to have protocol to save peoples lives.
Will you turn on the VALET and start screaming about conspiracies against YOU due to the Valet being ill ? I bet you will. Oops you are doing that already. Typical , oh how typical.
How is this different from YOU forcing the DOJ to release Michael Flynn, even though he plead guilty TWICE ?
Norman Peale cannot save you from the Cornavirus. A million people in America will die due to your REFUSAL to accept science. Just as denial of the fact Flynn plead Guilty twice, you tried to fantasize what you wanted, and say that is REALITY. How will that save you from the Conavirus ?
Get help and quit being POTUS
BONUS points as given by the Raw story in this notice. Holding a LUNCH with GOP senators when you just were told that YOUR VALET has the Conavirus. Idiot.
First for raw palmer report
This is about to get REALLY ugly
Bill Palmer | 1:53 am EDT May 8, 2020
Print ArticYesterday we all learned that Donald Trump’s personal White House valet has come down with the coronavirus. This valet reportedly stands near Trump all day and even prepares his food. We’re all now waiting to see if Trump gets sick as well. But there’s an uglier component to this.
Because Trump hasn’t allowed basic safety protocols like wearing masks and social distancing to take place at the White House, it seems a given that this one confirmed case is likely to spread like wildfire within the White House. There’s a tendency to think that well, if they’re conspiring with Trump, then they deserve whatever happens to him. But let’s keep in mind that most of the people in the White House aren’t there in a political capacity.
For instance, this valet who tested positive is a member of the Navy. That person signed up to serve his or her country, and is now fighting off a deadly virus. There are other people who work in the White House whose job is to cook food or empty trash cans. This virus could spread to them, or to Secret Service members, or to any number of good people who aren’t a part of the Trump regime in any way.
So as this one confirmed White House coronavirus case ostensibly turns into a really ugly White House coronavirus outbreak over the next week or two, let’s keep in mind that not everyone in the building will have “had it coming,” so to speak. As keeps happening in disturbing and tragic fashion, Donald Trump’s criminal negligence keeps putting innocent people in harm’s way.
End of quote
Once again:
YOU Trump are beyond being an ordinary psychopath. Due to the fact you REFUSE social distancing in the WHITE HOUSE . This is why the Conavirus is in the WH, NOW.
FYI, this matter of CONAVIRUS illness is not about you. There will be deaths in the WH because YOU refuse social distancing and masks. Your EGO is so huge, and fragile that perish the thought that YOU have to have protocol to save peoples lives.
Will you turn on the VALET and start screaming about conspiracies against YOU due to the Valet being ill ? I bet you will. Oops you are doing that already. Typical , oh how typical.
How is this different from YOU forcing the DOJ to release Michael Flynn, even though he plead guilty TWICE ?
Norman Peale cannot save you from the Cornavirus. A million people in America will die due to your REFUSAL to accept science. Just as denial of the fact Flynn plead Guilty twice, you tried to fantasize what you wanted, and say that is REALITY. How will that save you from the Conavirus ?
Get help and quit being POTUS
Summarizing, all the above. You have rode Norman Peale fantasy all your life and now a million Americans will die, in CONUS and Alaska and Hawaii, and it is all due to YOU. And blaming the Valet is a cowards way out.
Oh, and you are hosting Senators in the WH today at lunch after your exposure to the Conavirus ?
Trump hosting GOP senators for lunch in the White House after coming in close contact with coronavirus-infected valet
Published 11 mins ago on May 8, 2020
By David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
President Donald Trump is hosting the entire Republican Senate caucus for lunch Friday in the White House State Dining Room, just two days after his personal valet tested positive for coronavirus.
The CDC and medical experts say anyone who comes in contact with someone testing positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 should self-quarantine for 14 days.
President Trump has rejected mask-wearing and social distancing, saying he is tested weekly for coronavirus. After he was told his valet was coronavirus-positive, he was furious.
“After learning that one of his valets was infected, Trump became ‘lava level mad’ at his staff and said he doesn’t feel it is doing all it can to protect him, according to a person close to the White House,” NBC News reported.
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“So we test once a week. Now we’re going to go testing once a day,” Trump told reporters Thursday. “But even when you test once a day, somebody could — something happens where they catch something.”
End of quote
Well Trump, YOU ARE going to get GOP senators killed now. Standing ovation. Great job. And did PUTIN give you a gold star yet ?
Quit being POTUS
Andrew Beckwith, PhD
THE ENTIRE GOP SENATE membership is REQUIRED to be in the WH 2 days after the POTUS VALET tested positive for Conavirus. Let that sink in. For a LUNCH. In 3 hours.