Is trump wrong?
Martin Pelders
Mens mental health and wellness coach | Author of The Pumpkin Van | Founder of MatrixMen NPO | Advocate for Male Survivors | Committed to breaking stigma and fostering recovery. ?? #MentalHealth #Wellness #Author
There's a tremendous backlash at the USA for cutting aid to South Africa because of their race based laws. Many South Africans laughed and mocked, what does Donald know, he doesn't live here, leave us alone etc.
With a terrible history like ours the fear is always that the victims of old would want to exact revenge, get even return the favour so to speak.
We were blessed in that Nelson Mandela had the wisdom and forsight to want to unite a nation. He did so by forgiving, a not so easy task. He taught us all to be more forgiving and more understanding. Mandela realised one important factor. YOU CAN'T LEGISLATE EMPATHY AND UNDERSTANDING.
We are a failed state
Our country has now undergone a transformation into what is probably the worst position of all. We have one of the highest murder rates per capita worldwide, rape, IPV Femicide and GBV are through the roof. South African boys have an almost a 50 50 chance of not being victims of sexual abuse. By age 18, 44% of all boys will have suffered CSA (Childhood sexual abuse)
Electricity prices have gone up 126% in the last 6 years, the rand has slipped from R5 to the dollar to R19 to the dollar. The free education free water, free electricity promised over the past 30 years have amounted to nothing but empty promises.
The ignorance of youth
One of our influencers scoffed at the fact that today there are more race based laws in South Africa than there were during apartheid. Sadly dear sir its true
Fred Hampton said this.
You can't build a revolution with no education. Jomo Kenyatta did this in Africa, and because the people were not educated, he became as much an oppressor as the people he overthrew.
The victim has become the oppressor, the ANC led government is systematically restricting any none black South African from working, doing business with the state, farming, and receiving an education in a language of their choice. These are a few of the areas.
Their DEI policies are that harsh that even black South African men are struggling to get jobs and take care of their families.
Now lets add in a few little facts
A pass rate in SA is 30%. The leaders have decimated the the education system so that children leaving school cannot comprehend simple mathematical problems, yet they have passed.
Between 46 and 50% of students drop out of school over the course of the 12 years of "education"
The literacy rate is a meagre 19% There are such conflicting reports on the literacy rates. The government and its agencies claim 90% , but a family member in higher education tells me its definitely not. Students passing their high school education entering universities often need to go and do a year of English before entering university.
Ive read that the literacy rates among rural boys is a mere 9% and among girls its around 15% That is dismal. This comes from a study conducted by UCT
Moeletsi Mbeki, our previous presidents brother, said it this way. If you keep the nation Dumb, they'll be reliant on the state for handouts and will keep voting for you.
Job done ANC. There are more people reliant on a dismal handout of $24,00 a month than people employed, 7 million none working south Africans are reliant on a dwindling tax base of less than 5 million people. South Africans, Black and white alike are jumping ship for better opportunities
Farmers are wanting to Jump ship
South Africa is on the wrong path. 10, 000 farmers inquired about Trumps refugee program for farmers. If we loose 10000 farmers our food prices will go through the roof, our farms will lay fallow and be destroyed, our people will starve. We will be another Zimbabwe.
Todays youth remain blind to the facts.
I'm not claiming that whites are Africa's saviours, far from it, but the ANC has failed to foster the transference of skills, and to nurture the humanity that is within all of us. They have instead made it, once again, all about race. This time they sit in the power seats and their perceived oppressors are now the villains.
I guess its convenient when the leadership is busy plundering the countries resources, stealing all that they can lay their hands on. Its deflection, blame the Afrikaner so no one looks at us while we steal all that we can.
Soon we will be a failed state, and the racism will escalate, as it did in Kenya, Malawi, the Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and so many more.
I guess the ANC doesn't care as long as they continue to make money, but in the meantime, the common people of all races will continue to slide into poverty and starvation.
Is Trump wrong?
Sadly when you live in the eye of the storm, you're blind to the gale force winds that surround you. With 70 murders per day and close on 146 rapes per day, its safe to say that there is very little policing happening. Very few of the murderers and rapists are brought to book because the police dont have the capacity or knowledge to do so.
When farmers, that's all farmers not just white farmers, are 3 times more likely to face a homicide, are we really ok?
Reality check!
We aren't ok, and we had best wake up to that fact. If it takes an arrogant narcissistic Trump to force the South African government to face their failures, Ill welcome it.
If the ANC does nothing but steal from our people, why is it Americas problem to take care of our vulnerable people. Surely our leaders should have the empathy and humanity to take care of our people with our own tax dollars, but therein lies the problem. They Don't.