Trump Won by a Landslide: Democrats in shock and suffering from PTSD

Trump Won by a Landslide: Democrats in shock and suffering from PTSD

The election is finally over, and as predicted, the Democrats are shocked at the results. Donald Trump won, and won by a landslide. Trump got 73,494,187 popular votes to Harris’ 69,174,047. Trump also won 295 electoral votes [needed 270 to win] to Harris’ 226. So there is no room for any credible argument whether Trump legally won or not.

This is not to say the Democrats are trying to question the legitimacy of the election, Harris conceded that same day, but the Democrats are playing the blame game, and finger pointing accusing anyone they can think of, of being the reason Harris lost.

Now the Democrats are accusing Joe Biden’s calling Trump supporters “garbage” as the main reason she lost. Granted, insulting millions of voters didn’t help anything, but the people Biden disrespected weren’t going to vote for Harris in the first place. So did Biden calling Trump voters garbage cause Harris voters to change their minds, and vote for Trump?

What the Democrats are failing to believe is this, Kamala Harris was an abysmal choice for a presidential candidate. She was the only one who could touch the campaign funds already raised, yes, but could the Democrats not have chosen a far more suitable candidate that may have had the ability to keep up financially with the Trump Campaign?

Harris was never suited to be president, she was barely qualified to be vice-president, and she proved that over the last 3.8 years. The border failures alone prove that. Then there’s the reality of her epic failure as an orator. Her word salad speeches, and refusal to answer simple campaign questions added to the accurate notion of her being unqualified for presidency.

I will give Kamala Harris kudos for immediately conceding, and her concession speech was the most coherent speech I’ve ever heard from her. Granted, she really didn’t say anything of substance, but at least she made it clear she understands she lost.

So America has Donald Trump back as our president, and we all know what kind of president he was. Here’s hoping he is still the same if not a better president the second time round. But there was still the Congressional races to consider, and those were equally important elections. Remember, the president either has a Congress that works with, or against him.

photo: Financial Times

The Senate race was relatively close. As of this writing, 98.9% of precincts have reported their results, and the Republicans have regained majority control of the Senate with 53 seats as opposed to 45 for the Democrats. 51 are needed for the majority.

This takes away the Democrats’ ability to stack the Supreme Court like they were hoping to do, and that’s just the tip of what they could have done if they retained the majority. So it’s pretty safe to say America dodged a bullet with the Senate races results.

photo: Financial Times

The House of Representatives is still ongoing, and as of this writing, 86% of precincts have reported showing the Democrats having 199 seats to the Republicans’ 211. 218 seats are needed for the majority, so it’s close, but with so many precincts needing to report still, it could be anyone’s game. The Republicans have only 7 seats to win, but each of those seats can still go either way, and it so it would be prudent to not get too excited just yet.

With that in mind, let’s still try to imaging Donald Trump as president, with a full Republican Congress. What would that yield for America? Liberals are already in tailspins, and not all that surprising, the mainstream media and their TV personality cohorts are spewing lies and fear mongering.

In their minds, America is going to turn into the most dangerous land to live in, and we Americans should prepare to killed in the streets, and forced into labor camps. As if Americans aren’t already being killed in the streets by illegal immigrants allowed into our land by the Democrats.

One late night TV idiot actually warned that Americans are going to start paying more for goods and services now that Trump’s back, and we have only us to blame. That rhetoric makes one wonder what country that dude has been living in for the last 3.8 years.

There are reports of world leaders expressing their concern that Trump is back, and it’s easy to see why. Trump has made abundantly clear how he’s going to deal with them after swearing in. Our enemies are once again afraid of us, and this is a good thing. Our allies ISRAEL for example, are now confident they will get the protection and help they either need now, or may need in the future now that America finally, once again, has a REAL leader.[TMR]

Thomas Ryan is an Independent Columnist/Op-Ed Writer


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