Trump, the Shock Winner exposes the Blind Spots and Shadow in our Culture

Trump, the Shock Winner exposes the Blind Spots and Shadow in our Culture


What I thought would be the odd sideways glance at the televised US election results last Wednesday turned into being riveted to the screen watching the shocking results unfold. A second 9/11 shock for the US with implications for women and the world at large.

First Shockwave

How could so many people knowingly vote for such an unaware, unprincipled man?

More people in America – at least in the electorates where it counted - preferred the risk of an unscrupulous, inexperienced, disdainful and irreverent man as President to the security of a competent, experienced, caring and prepared woman as President.

Instead of celebrating the first female President in the USA as indicated by 95% of the polls following her win of all three debates, “we”, intelligent, educated, experienced, capable, competent women, were defeated by a man with a lot of money, a big mouth and much media play, "them".

Voting, as with many decisions, is largely emotional rather than rational and comes with unconscious bias. The outcome of the election made me realize more fully as a career woman myself, what I’ve been up against all these years.

It was also a “slap in the face” for all women pictured by the President-elect as sexual objects to toy and play with and indeed to assault with unwanted advances. However this was clearly an insufficient reason not to vote for the man. I suppose I shouldn’t be so surprised when the objectification of women still dominates our culture.


  • In uncertain times, it's easier to fear than have faith in a better future. Fear was promulgated by Trump and many people believed him.
  • 90% of Americans have been getting poorer for over two decades – the American dream is out of reach for many – and cultural diversity, respectfulness and climate change are not important when your economic security is at risk
  • Trump was viewed as a warrior and protector of the “great” USA. He said what a lot of people were thinking even though they all knew it was not PC to think that way, and this overrode the fact that he was also a predator on women.
  • Trump got a lot more media play than Hillary as he was a larger-than-life soapbox character in a live reality show with plenty of daily drama. More viewers meant more dollars for TV channels so that meant more Trump-play.
  • A lot of people believed Trump’s message that the system was rigged – not just the political system but the economic system. Yet, if he knew his way around it, if he was smart, perhaps he could make things better for them? (I do agree the system is rigged, but it's rigged for him, not against him!)
  • In post-election polls, the economy was the top issue: 72% believed the American economy is rigged to help the rich get richer. A similar two-third majority wanted a higher minimum wage, debt-free college and expanded social security.
  • Hillary Clinton embodied everything people disliked about the political system especially after Sanders with his revolutionary zeal, was taken out of the picture.
  • People clearly wanted change in the system of government more than policy continuity despite Barack Obama’s popularity and the quantitative evidence of the success of his presidency.
  • More people identified with being “great again” rather than being “stronger together”. What would you rather be? Strong or great? :-)
  • Really the whole election campaign was all about the dastardly Trump!

Second Shockwave

How could the Clinton campaign get their strategy so wrong?

The Clinton campaign was blindsided by losing what were thought to be irrevocably safe Democrat ‘Blue Wall’ states Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states which have been Democrat for 28 and 32 years respectively. Other traditionally blue Democrat states Michigan and New Hampshire, went right down to the wire with Clinton ultimately claiming NH by less than .05% of the vote.

Basically Trump stole the traditionally Democrat workingman’s vote from under their noses. “He” was conservative, could not vote for a woman, and Trump would have his back and deport “outsiders" – or so he was led to believe. Trump surprised the media by campaigning there while Hillary did not travel there to remind them that she did want their votes.

The campaign was also thwarted by:

  • Emails leaking throughout the campaign by Wikileaks (regarded as an authoritative non-establishment source) only to be topped by the Director of the FBI announcing to the world that he was reopening the inquiry into Hillary Clinton's email saga just days before the election notwithstanding the fact that he also closed the inquiry the day before the election – both announcements kept potential impeachment in our line of sight
  • The continuous assault on Hillary Clinton’s character throughout the campaign promulgated by the media was formidable
  • Clinton did not appear as authentic, vulnerable or caring in contrast to heartfelt speeches by First Lady Michelle Obama
  • Clinton did not present as empathetic, considered or humorous in contrast to the eloquence and popularity of President Barack Obama

It was a negative campaign and Trump was a much better brawler than Hillary. Hillary could’ve focused on herself more, not just her policies and plans, but her principles and values, her hopes and dreams for the American people. What she saw and how she could bring intrinsically feminine care and attention to the concerns of the people and shape a better and brighter future for all.

Authenticity and trust vs. accusations of dishonesty and lack of transparency go to character rather than competence or temperament. To lack authentic presence, sadly, is partly an outcome of women trying to fit into a system we’re not intrinsically aligned with. We’re archetypal caregivers not breadwinners and still take predominant care of home life, earn less and have much less influence than men in society at large. I believe we need to embrace our femininity and exercise influence from our unique personal female perspective and with our wallets! We still hold the key in consumer spending.

Unfortunately Hillary Clinton is also highly unpopular in the US. While I haven’t followed her career closely, it seems that she did step out of the box as First Lady. She wanted a role of substance that befitted her career experience where she was doing something significant, not just being the partner of the President. Instead of attending to social good as a gracious figurehead, she was invited to initiate health reform and failed. The public didn’t like it and felt vindicated by her failure.

More women could’ve voted for Hillary, especially given the stark choice before them. She is demonstrably competent, highly experienced and quite centralist and pragmatic in her plans and policies. While she is not charismatic, a little compassion for her and some female solidarity would’ve gone a long way to electing the first female President in the USA. As women, we can be our own worst enemies.

If I was Barack Obama I would extend a "Pardon" to Hillary Clinton, regardless of her wishes. Trump is VUCA - volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. He is totally unpredictable. And I really don't want to hear any more about Hillary's emails. Given her astounding public service over decades, I'd rather she was given the opportunity to be the "People's President" (she did win the popular vote by more than 1 million votes) and the well-deserved respite to put any past indiscretions behind her.

Third Shockwave

What will we get in a Trump Presidency?

We’re still reeling from Brexit and now we have Trump-it. A President who is a larger-than-life caricature of our worst human frailties. A President who uses rascist, sexist, misogynistic and xenophobic language to put people down, cast people out and make himself appear great. A President who only knows about property development and has happily ridden the rollercoaster of fortunes won and lost over time.

People in the US have taken to protesting on the street and openly insulting each other, hate crimes have increased and the Canadian immigration website crashed on the night of the election results due to the volume of US inquiries. In addition to Putin and right-wing political party leaders, Trump received cautious congratulations from world leaders who specifically endorsed their alliance with the US based on shared values:

  • British PM Theresa May cited freedom, democracy and enterprise
  • Japanese PM Shinzo Abe cited freedom, democracy, basic human rights and the rule of law, and
  • Chinese President Xi Jinping cited the principle of non-confrontation.

Clearly they have seen these values undermined by Trump during the campaign. For him, freedom of speech means freedom to ridicule and offend others; democracy means if I don’t win, the system’s rigged; and enterprise means win or lose big regardless of the cost to other people.

Despite anti-nepotism law prohibiting appointments of family members to cabinet positions and formal government jobs, Trump has put all three of his kids and son-in-law Jared on the Transition Committee, and is seeking top security clearance for his son-in-law. He is the husband of Ivanka, is a millionaire and owner of the declining New York Observer having employed six editors in seven years. Trump does not trust people but he can trust in the cone of silence based on family loyalty.

To expand on VP Pence's extreme right wing views, he’s appointed a known white supremacist to be his Chief Strategist in the White House, he is getting ready to deport millions of immigrants, has waved an isolationist flag and advised the country: “Don’t be afraid”. Really?!

I can also advise that as a leader anchored at Opportunist/Conformist in terms of action logic vertical stage development, Trump is totally ego-centric. Not just in the sense of win/lose which is the Achiever’s capitalist game, but in the sense of win at any cost and attack if feeling slightly threatened or nervous – even when the threat is not real.

When he’s not feeling threatened and realizes it’s in his best interests to listen e.g. to Obama during his first meeting at the White House, he almost appears normal. He conforms. But he’s not actually being considered, he’s just playing the best role to get what he wants and in that case, as much information as he can comprehend. This does not extend to being able to rely on his good judgment after receiving and processing that information.

When he's on familiar territory e.g. property development, Trump will presumably be smart and astute. Building new infrastructure and high quality airports will be something he’ll get done. He was smart enough to know where to get the votes he needed. Smart guy. But smart for himself and around what he already knows.

In situations where he doesn’t know the game very well and feels like he’s on the line, which will be often as he takes everything very personally – you can see this from his tweets, he won’t have the smarts. He’ll feel nervous and threatened which will mean he will adopt the reactive, emotionally charged “command/control/criticise/ridicule” offensive pose he showed so often during the campaign.

What we say about others and our throw-away lines, how we end conversations, is a great giveaway to what we really think. At Trump’s stunted stage of moral development at seven years of age belying his life journey of seven decades, just about everything he says about others is in fact a self-portrait. In psychological terms this is called transference. Accusations he has made indicate that he feels small; he is crooked; he is nasty; he is very dumb; he is totally confused; he has hate in his heart. NB If he was locked up, he wouldn’t be able to start WW3 – both of which he accused Hillary of - something to think about. He may need to be impeached to be stopped if he begins to threaten the current global equilibrium. Check out Allan Lichtman in this post suggesting the same. NB I was watching Allan's posts before the election and he was one of the very few who predicted Trump's win.

Trump is a wild card and needs to be monitored closely. He is not unlike writings about Hitler who was described in his early days as a "self-obsessed clown, shatter shot impulsive style, ego-maniac, a narcissist, self-dramatisation, characteristic fondness for superlatives, all or nothing risk, shrewdness as a politician, keen eye for strengths and weaknesses of others, instantaneously exploit others, bottomless mendacity, thoroughly untruthful". (The Ascent of Hitler by Volker Ullrich) "I am the greatest actor in Europe," he once bragged. Remind you of anyone?

I will be keeping a close eye on what Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren has to say. She has impressed me as an astute systemic principle-based thinker who is not afraid to call a spade a spade although we will need action as well as words if we are to rein in the worst of Trump. His very low impulse control and tendency to fight, punch and trample over others on his way through what he perceives to be the jungle of life, will make things much more volatile in the US and on the world stage.

This new President-elect is, I believe and hope, the last bastion of the old world, the shadow we must each reconcile with if we are to thrive and flourish. He will do some good work on infrastructure that will provide jobs and fuel the economy, and hopefully enable people to feel more secure. Provided he remains isolationist, his impact on the world stage will also be contained notwithstanding a Nostradamus prophecy that might have pointed to his election and a potential coalition with Russia. If the life-debate is an illustration, he will delegate any issues of principle to the States giving more power to the people to decide on important life issues at grassroots through local elections.

He won’t appreciate values or principles, or considered decision-making. He just doesn’t work that way. He will not be able to evoke genuine trust as he lacks openness and sincerity although his tweets will make him transparent to those who read between the lines. And it’s simply beyond his capacity to collaborate and act in the interests of the greater good with honesty and integrity. It wouldn’t even occur to him. He just wants to make “his America” great again.

Remember how he was fact-checked constantly? Without realizing it, Trump lies continuously. He just makes things up as he goes along. He doesn’t really care for the facts or logic, just what’s smart, what he can get away with at the time to support his case. He’ll say things like: “The transition is going so smoothly” – why the word “so”? This type of redundant language gives away the lie every time.

Fourth Shockwave

What is this telling us about the shadow in our western culture?

Trump is evidence of our subconscious shadow. Our culture is polarised and fixed, judgmental and biased. We are men or women; we are straight or LGBT; we are either able or have a disability; we are black or white; we are a good citizen or a criminal; we are either winners or losers; we are “us” or ”them”; and many of us are alone where no-one really cares. More of us are on the losing side.

We’ve become more isolated and feel more threatened. As a result we’re more protective and defensive, clinging to an identity to ensure our individual safety and security. Bottom line we’d rather vote for a fierce male protector/female predator than entrust our future to a strong committed woman who has matured and thrived in the US political system and on the world stage.

In most corporate and political environments, men rule: they deserve respect; women must earn it and in the majority of situations don’t get it despite the results they achieve and regardless of their intelligence or more compassionate perspective, especially if their ideas are different from the ruling majority. A sweeping statement I know but true in my experience of 30+ years as an executive and consultant, and in recent years 3,500+ hours coaching senior executives, men and women, to help them develop their leadership capacity while I was privileged to hear their revealing personal stories.

The light of political correctness and diversity is equality: that we are all different but equal and entitled to equal rights and equal opportunity to realize our potential to contribute to life around us in the most considerate and authentic way we know how.

The shadow of political correctness and diversity is that while we know this is right in principle, we haven’t processed it internally. Most people who are non-white-male-straight-able haven’t developed the emotional self-awareness or personal congruence by releasing the resentment from painful experiences in the past when we've been disrespected, mistreated and felt “not good enough”, a universal plight. If we haven’t expressed this pain we've suppressed it and what is subconscious then shows up in the mirror of our life experience – Trump as President-elect.

Further most able white straight men haven’t developed the emotional self-awareness to genuinely open up their minds and hearts to sharing the power and influence that forms a key part of their identity. They feel entitled. Having 95% of senior executive roles earning the millions of dollars at the peak of their careers is something that is owed to them and owned by them. They work in a pack. After all they’ve been slaving away for decades, competed aggressively for the perks, taken on large and significant responsibilities, and compromised their integrity often along the way denying their innate capacity to be the caring human beings they really are. In their minds they’ve earned the right to the top jobs and want to keep them! It's a core part of their identity!!

Furthermore, the structures and policies most corporations and governments have in place endorse the male/female archetypes. It would help significantly if:

  1. Corporations flattened the org structure, made all roles a four-day week, reduced incomes at the top to make this possible and doubled the size of executive teams by redistributing the work and adding only women through positive discrimination. I know lots of highly qualified, intelligent and experienced women in my age bracket who have been cast out over the decades and would be delighted to bring their strategic caring perspective to the workplace to inform and activate business intent.
  2. Governments introduced a mandatory non-interchangeable paid 6-month period of family leave for both partners when they are bringing a new child into their home – this has been done in a few countries with great success leading to more respect and more top roles for women in the workplace and more respect and equality for men in the home taking care of their children. And yes there’s a commercial cost associated with it but retention is cheaper than recruitment and shaping our society for new generations outweighs short-term commercial concerns in any event.
  3. Corporations and governments mandated conscious business practices, genuine triple bottom line performance (people, planet and profit) and transcended both capitalism and socialism marked by the ever-increasing divide between the “haves” and “have-nots” with minimum liveable incomes and employment for everyone through local initiatives, say zero taxes up to the average income and increasing taxes relative to earnings above that. Surely there are people out there with some really great ideas around this!!


And of course it’s also essential for all executive and political leaders to actively invest time and money in their own holistic leadership development in order to expand their conscious self-awareness. Only then can we open up our hearts, wade through our own personal emotional history, heal egoic wounds, become more aware and mindful, and gradually develop an authentic integrated presence, a deep sense of personal power and spiritual congruence. Then we will develop the capacity to lead others with gracious integrity and wholehearted commitment to realize aspirational goals based on universal principles of equality, justice, community, wellbeing, peace and freedom.

Only by healing and uplifting ourselves in this way, will the power of our shadow in the form of President-elect Trump today decline and diminish.

If you’d like to carry out a stage-centric capability-based self-assessment to see where you’re at in terms of mature adult development, take this opportunity to get your Holistic Leadership Profile.

In terms of action logic stage leadership development, it is crucial for the majority of society to make the shift beyond the Achiever by stepping off the treadmill to become more conscious, authentic, integral leaders. If the 30% of executives who make up Achievers focused largely on the material world, all moved to the next stage of Catalyst and explored their inner world of purpose, values, vision, principles and aspirations, we would soon have 45% of executives with the leadership capacity to usher in the promise of a more enlightened 21st century world.

After all, do we really want to stick with what we’ve got now?

  • Our economic system has been institutionalised by capitalist government policy and unethical banking practices where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and where rising housing prices make getting a roof over our heads a serious challenge.
  • Our health system has been eroded by processed foods and pharmaceutical drugs giving rise to increasing rates of obesity, cancer and debilitating diseases.
  • Our justice system is infused by unconscious bias and an emphasis on punishment rather than rehabilitation, leading to longer wait times and increased incarceration.
  • Increasing poverty, obesity and imprisonment, not to mention a debilitated, pillaged environment, do not suggest good governance or positive stewardship by those in power.

The problems are systemic and endemic. We need to bring together all parts of the system and hold the space for the emergence of new solutions. In my view capitalism served industrialisation but no longer serves most people or the environment. Conscious business is growing as are new networked business models such as airbnb and uber. Also the era of social media provides a platform for people’s voices to be heard on political issues. It’s possible to create a crowd-funded movement.

This could lead to an economic and social community-based eco-system to replace the current competition-based ego-system. Read more about this in Otto Scharmer's recent post. Many Millennials empathise with this opportunity and will help to bring it about by working to live rather than living to work. Focus less on the material world and wanting “more”, and get off the treadmill by saying “enough is enough” with the view that we’d all rather live a more purposeful and meaningful life full of the joy of hobbies, exercise, events, travel, friends, family and community.

These solutions are not intellectual constructs although our intellect is an important resource. They are based on intuitive insights, aha moments of “this is what’s actually happening” realizing that the source of the problem and solution is waiting to arise within us through the course of collective seeking and openness to new choices.

The high performing Achiever cannot access these insights. They are still perched at the top of the cliff, the pinnacle of their achievements in the material world, the current external world of form. However it is time to transform. Either we transform or the world we’ve created will continue to take us down the spiral to meet more of our shadow – in person, and in lofty positions of power!

New solutions can only arise from within when we have an open heart and mind, and the systems thinking capacity to embrace and hold the creative tension amongst divergent stakeholders for as long as it takes to dive deep and emerge anew. The chaos implicit in the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous VUCA world that we are part of today, requires us to bring about a new order in the world. That is the promise of chaos. Ultimately it’s a transition to a new order. Just as energy shifts from solid to liquid and from liquid to gas, the moments before the energy has transformed itself into its new form, it is messy, frothy and lacking a coherent structure.

By clearing our personal space of the residual clutter littered by the ego and will with heartfelt forgiveness and compassion, we transcend the chaos and develop an open clear calm mind. By simultaneously opening up our mind to spirit, a still higher order of orchestration, by articulating and setting shared purposeful aspirations for the greater good of all, we create an open clear expansive space infused with aspirational intention. By bringing similarly charged people together based on personal authenticity regardless of positional authority, and uplifting our shared consciousness to realize a higher frequency of insight and illumination, we can and will realize inspiring breakthroughs.

Life happens through us, not just to us. It is a projection of our thoughts, aspirations, intentions and attention, and a reflection of our subconscious beliefs, concerns, fears and anxieties. Life is a Movie, Life is a Mirror and Life can be Magical – live the Dream, embrace the Drama and enjoy the Dance!

If you’d like to carry out a stage-centric capability-based self-assessment to see where you’re at in terms of mature adult development, take this opportunity to get your Holistic Leadership Profile. Discover your strengths and stressors, blind spots and stretches. Create your future. Develop congruence. Realize your intrinsic potential.

Antoinette Braks ~ The Strategic Holistic Integral Force for Transformation!

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About Antoinette Braks

Antoinette Braks has designed and led Culture Transformation and Leadership Programs that have led to quantum leaps of 20% in Leadership Effectiveness and 30% in People Engagement within a single year. She has also led many Strategic Offsites, Values-based Leadership Development Workshops and has coached more than 50 Senior Executives also with transformational results. With over 3,500 coaching hours, she qualifies as a Master Certified Coach.

Her coaching capacity builds on 25+ years global corporate experience in Leadership Capital Solutions with Korn Ferry Asia Pacific, Management Assessment with Hudson Talent Management, People and Culture with Shell across Latin America and Africa, and as GM People and Culture with energy infrastructure company Vector NZ.

Antoinette holds an MBA from London Business School and is currently completing her PhD at the MGSM in the Dynamics of Integral Leadership Transformation. She also holds an MA in Management Research, a Dip Intl Mktg(Hons) and graduated LLB(Hons) BA (Political Science) from the University of Auckland. She has won two University Prizes for Excellence and is a Fellow of AHRI.

Antoinette is also the author of Executive SOS outlining the 7 Proven Steps to Set Up Your Own Strategic Operating System. This book shows you how to rise above the noise, get off the treadmill and lead your division and stakeholders as a more inspiring strategic leader, showcasing a number of success stories from her executive clients.

Join the SHIFT! The Strategic Holistic Integral Force for Transformation!

Click here to carry out a stage-centric capability-based self-assessment to see where you’re at in terms of mature adult development to get your Holistic Leadership Profile. Discover your strengths and stressors, blind spots and stretches. Create your future. Develop congruence. Realize your potential.

Diana Zhang

CA, MPAcc, MCom & BEc, Tutor, Translator and Accountant

8 年

Voting is a very emotional action, as Brexit illustrated. It might be better for us to wait and see what Mr. Trump could be as the Mr. President.

Michael Weissman

MSc Engineering, BA, Total Quality Manager, ISO9001/14001/45001 Lead Auditor, Lean Six Sigma Green Beltt. Capability to drive HSEQ business improvements and HSEQ risk reduction through hands on people engagement

8 年

The history shows that empires come and go . Eventually establishments are destroying themselves while aiming for ideals . The top job is just a reflection of this destruction . Who will be the next empire ? Time will tell

Denis Cooke

Owner, Managing Director Denis Cooke & Associates Pty Ltd

8 年

I suggest you read this: America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton

Michael Gardner

My purpose is to challenge and inspire ALL to embrace and manifest the magnificence and light of who they truly are!I coach a selective few who are committed to BE the difference they seek in the world.

8 年

Wow! Hard to believe Trump could win running against such a principled, skilled opponent such as Hillary?! And speaking of fear, nothing is quite as fear enticing as encouraging women, Muslims and immigrants to believe the boogeyman is coming to get them. Maybe the blind spot isn't the fact that Trump was elected, but rather that over 61 million people voted for an inept, lying, corrupt divisive candidate such as Hillary. The fact that that many people do not care that she is a liar, corrupt and think experience matters even when that experience has resulted in death, security leaks and selling out to Iran (which, by the way, is not the best place for women) says a lot more about that part of the citizenry and how low we have become.

Antoinette, I feel for you. It must be terrible to be in such a shock (or multiple shocks) over the loss of your favorite candidate. However, there are things in life that are far worse than Mr. Trump :) For instance, a thought that Mrs. Clinton could have been our president. I was actually in quite a shock that someone with a "baggage" like hers could even run for anything, but I got over that shock. Hopefully, you get over yours as well. All the best!


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