Trump & the Rudeness of the Brits!

Donald Trump's here & has been greeted with rudeness by the #Sheeple. Most of them have no idea why they don't like him. They're just copying other people!

They haven't just insulted the American President; they've insulted America!

Our #Queen has gracefully hosted dinners for some of the world's most evil leaders without a murmur from the Sheeple. EG the Saudis, who are #Muslims with enough room in their countries to take in every single #migrant!

Don't they realise that poor Trumpy has been set up by his wealthy influential rivals who have tried to destroy him so that they can have world control in his place?

His main fault is his loud honesty & there aren't many politicians possessing that!

But why I admire him most is for his age. He's nearly 72 but nobody has ever called him Old. He walks upright & never says Um or Er, where was I?

He hasn't just launched himself on a new career; he's launched himself with the most important position in the world!

Most of our males in their 70s are old old old! And they like to boast, not about their achievements, but about the medication they're taking.

Do you know what medication Trumpy takes, if anything?

I've been pinned against a wall by old men with bad breath, boasting about their tablets & I actually said to one of them, Excuse me, but I think you've mistaken me for someone who cares!

So let's concentrate on the good things he's doing, most of which doesn't even get a mention!

So there!

PS Don't forget to read & enjoy our Online Magazine B-C-ing-U!

Frederick Burkert


6 年

LOL Out of respect for Americans and because they care, the Brits actually bothered march in London to stand up and be counted.The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong in Trump - blaming others for his failings and inability that he doesn't even recognise.? The list of his flip flops is long and here's just a few that are pretty direct and not tangential Friend Putin, Putin is the enemy. UK is at the back of the queue v EU for bargaining (voiced once by Obama - lol)... now the UK can look to a special trade relation. Electorial college - disaster/genius statements Tillerson - staying... gone Romney endorsed as great for Utah - he is the dumbest.Berates Obama over loosing 3 chiefs of staff in 3years - Trump lost 3 in nearly as many months and there were more, Dubke, Spicer, Spcer(acting), Sarramucci? Hicks... was there more ? Arm the teachers with guns - oh wait I never said that, they should arm the best 20% with concealed guns or weapons though. I can look up all his contradictions and so can you, but it seems that he does not really have a definitive thought on any subject where he shoots first and apologises after or rescinds and denies his comments, tweets etc yet you are saying that is of no concern the American people - really?He is not from a political background and makes a hash of it. Those votes were a statement against others and a fan base of a TV personality IMHO. I read people stating they hadn't voted for decades and went out to vote for him. Calls the information given by others 'fake news' and his statements the 'real news' even though he makes an opposing view later.... is that the real real news ? The winding back of the opposition party's changes are change for change sake and no real plans to improve society. American first - sure why not, but miffing off the nations that have trade policies, ties and influence - not really kewl at best, disater at worse but if it sounds good on the face of it then it must be right - right ? Not sure WTH about the statement of OLD OLD OLD and medication has to do with anything - a 'Trumpy' deflection and generalisation would be all that I can take from it. Maybe ageism too?? GJ LF on adding nothing of value in this statement and like 'Trumpy' you actually want to project on to another nation and pour fuel on the fire of burning bridges. One day soon it will be a bridge to far - and I don't mean Arnhem.Please focus on Food and Travel? - hopefully you are more insightful in that field where the American Sheeple might actually take you a little more seriously. Lemmings can't help themselves, I thought the human race to be beyond that.? Pretty sure you haven't given much thought to you statement and it's blurted out in 'Trumpy' fashion. You are likely damaging to your own career in a way that 'Trumpy' is used to dealing with and the money to back it. The scary thing is if you establish more followers from this - really scary. I am a Brit living in the Netherlands, and have very little education. Rushed into this reply/retort with only the things I recall of recent so maybe someone can refute my info/thoughts/comments or support them in a more editorial and insightful way. But Hopefully LF comes up with a worthy remark or too that explains something in a way that would be worth the time I spent here to bother responding and translating my 'typo-nese into UK English :P



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