Trump offers $1M to 1st person that has the solution to these High School Shootings.
Consider this an early April Fool's Joke, but also consider the possibility that this concept might just work.
For the past thirty years, Corporate America has left many problems needing a global solution that infect the daily operations of companies across America and possibly the World. Then what would be wrong for some folks that have known these killers, for them to step up to the plate, roll up their bloody sleeves and help us figure this out?
In the tragic wake of the Benton, Kentucky shootings today, I paused my usual routine and just cried out. I cry out for the many heartbroken loved ones impacted by this horrible event. Being a native to Kentucky, I can tell you that in all the years I lived there, not one time did I ever fear this sort of rage taking place. Nor, could I have ever thought that it would be possible for something of this magnitude to transpire.
Kentucky is the state that everyone knows everyone, minus Lexington and Louisville, I feel this to be true. Given this familiarity with all people in these backward towns, then how could this be possible? A small town of only 4,400 people according to Google and the 2010 Census, a fifteen-year-old walks into his classroom and begins shooting at everyone. Killing two, injuring 17 others as of today, this is unacceptable folks. Talking about this problem we are having in this country with these kids thinking that violence, guns, deaths are the norm, this cannot be and must be stopped. But, where do we start?
For starters, we need to take our Pride and Egos and flush them down the old John or outhouse, depending on where you live. We must forget the person we are today, and get ourselves back to that place we once were many years ago. Think of yourself as a 15-year-old & tell me you haven't thought of doing this crime yourself. Tell me that those high school years were so blissfully blessed that the thought of hurting anyone never crossed your frontal lobe? I cannot hear you! Come on folks, get the f*** real. If you say you didn't or have not, then this is why the problem still lives today. If you cannot be honest with yourself long enough to get this issue resolved for good, then you are a significant part of the problem.
I lived in Kentucky and attended a public school system, graduating with only 53 other students. We were all somewhat close, that is on the outer surface. But I can tell you there was a lot of pain, a lot of pain that my classmates never knew existed. Whether your parents teach you this with their ego inflations or because of the sick part of their pride, you learned this trait somewhere. Thus, the pink elephant that lives on the living room floor of every home across America, this is hitting the root of the issue, my opinion.
I am not a mental health worker. I have never been around mental health professionals, other than my therapist. So everything in this article is not coming from any profound sociological place, it comes from real life, real times, really dark times.
My mother and father had pride. No different from any other proud mother or father. I suffered from being bullied my entire childhood. I was bullied in grade school, middle school, high school, then it followed me onto College. Do you think I ever talked to my parents about being bullied? Hell no! Are you kidding me? As far as my parents understood, life was just the best it could ever be. I know happiness now, and I was not happy then.
Some classmates would think I was profoundly favorite, but I was not. I was never the first chair in band. I was never chosen first in teams when in Physical Education classes, I was the kid that got last selected because they had to pick me. I was the kid the coach would have to hold the poles up and erect for the volleyball team. Instead of learning to play sports, something I to this day am very fearful of and have significant anxiety over the mere thoughts, I learned to survive the embarrassment, coming up with every lie in the book to keep my identity from being known. The character, of course, the one that could not hit a ball with a bat. One that could not hit a ball with my hand, the one that was later determined whereas I had extremely bad astigmatism in both eyes.
My desire to have everyone like me the same way they would a Les, Derek, Ken, or Jeff- this was what I prayed for every night. There are no words to describe just how miserable I was in school. No words to describe the pain and anxiety that raped my body of the fun and passion I should have been living each day.
So when I hear of a fifteen-year-old walking into school and just start aiming and shooting, I get it. I do understand it. Thank God, I never did anything remotely of this horrible, awful event. But, I never had access to any guns. My dad had a rifle, but I could have never gotten it loaded, let alone fired it. My weapon was my act. I had learned to act at a very young age. I had such a good act; no one knew any different. No one knew of my pain, no one knew of any real side of me, and with time, my act got better and better. I began to live in my act to safeguard my feelings and shield my ongoing pain. A lot of people feel that someone should have seen this Benton, Kentucky young man shows signs of his rage but, I never did. I was the perfect student, and I was the ideal child. But I wanted every one of my classmates that forced me to live this life of competing for dread and constant anxiousness; I wanted them dead. So, it is possible for no signs to be visible. It happens every day especially since we learn to hide parts of us that we cannot expose to the world. Had he revealed himself this way, he would have been found out, so he did not. If he wanted it to be successful, this is what he did; it is what you would have done too.
So how do we fix this with our troubled kids and classmates? I say throw this million dollars at the problem, and let's see what rises from the dark circles of youth and the youthful, yes?