Trump just admitted to the entire Ukrainian scam. Here it is. FTR- The entire Quid pro quid fiasco , and he is doing it AGAIN (quid pro quid) to NY

We knew it could come down to this and boy did it ever. How is this for sheer brass balls?




How are Republicans feeling right about now?


FEBRUARY 14, 2020


Years after O.J. Simpson was found not guilty for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, he wrote a book called If I Did It, in which he basically explained exactly how the two were killed with a level of detail that only someone who participated in the murders could possibly have been privy to. Now that Donald Trump has been acquitted by Republicans for extorting Ukraine for personal gain, he’s kind of doing the same thing, except (1) he freely admitted to many of the details of the alleged crime even before his Senate trial, and (2) he’s not even doing the people who let him get away with it the courtesy of throwing an “if” in there for plausible deniability’s sake.

In a podcast interview with Geraldo Rivera that aired on Thursday, Trump was asked, “Was it strange to send Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine, your personal lawyer? Are you sorry you did that?” Rather than stick with his previous denials of ever having dispatched Giuliani to Ukraine to investigate the Bidens in the first place, Trump happily copped to it all, responding: “No, not at all...I deal with the Comeys of the world or I deal with Rudy,” the former of whom, per the president, left “a very bad taste” in his mouth due to the whole Russia investigation. “So when you tell me, why did I use Rudy, and one of the things about Rudy, number one, he was the best prosecutor, you know, one of the best prosecutors, and the best mayor,” Trump said. “But also, other presidents had them. FDR had a lawyer who was practically, you know, was totally involved with government. Eisenhower had a lawyer. They all had lawyers.” FDR and Eisenhower didn’t use their personal lawyers to uncover nonexistent dirt on their political rivals, but, sure, great history lesson.

In the new interview, Trump defended the decision to “use” Giuliani, even though U.S. diplomats previously testified that Giuliani had undermined long-standing U.S. policy toward Ukraine.... Multiple witnesses described how Giuliani met with former Ukrainian officials in search of dirt against Joe and Hunter Biden. Other key players described how Giuliani and his allies pressured Ukraine to announce investigations into the Bidens. Trump’s past denials came in November, when the House of Representatives was investigating the president’s conduct with Ukraine.

Trump, of course, has insisted up to this point that he never sent Giuliani to Ukraine, claiming last year that didn’t direct the former NYC mayor to take a fact-finding trip to the Eastern European country, and that the “great corruption fighter” had taken the initiative himself.

Obviously, the president didn’t exactly try to hide his corrupt ways prior to the formal impeachment proceedings, having stood in front of the White House last October and called—on camera!—for Ukraine and China to investigate the Bidens. But now that he’s free of the fear of impeachment, he’s apparently just going for broke with the admissions, in addition to getting revenge on the individuals who had the audacity to cooperate with the House’s inquiry, like Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was escorted out of the White House last week and whom Trump has asked the military to further punish for disrespecting the king. (In other “just coming out and saying it” news, Trump tweeted this morning that he’s never asked Attorney General William Barr to do something underhanded in a criminal case but totally could if he wanted to, which means he probably has already.)

Anyway, the many lawmakers who chose to acquit the president while insisting that he’d totally learned his lesson have not yet commented on the fresh confessions, but presumably they’re feeling pretty stupid right now (and will continue to let Trump get away with whatever his heart desires moving forward).

Seth Abramson

Everyone realizes that this means all the things Trump lied about during the Russia investigation were *also* true, right? https://
Emboldened after his impeachment acquittal, President Trump now openly admits to sending his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to find damaging information about his political opponents, even though he strongly denied it during the impeachment inquiry

7:25 AM - Feb 14, 2020

End of quote

Why this is significant ? Trump will do it again and again , so long as he is able to do it, and no where is this more apparent in his threat against Global Entry and NY airports which he would only drop if NY stops taking Trump to court


New York sues the Trump administration over denying residents access to Global Entry

The state is calling the policy change an attack on its sanctuary policies.

By Nicole Narea@nicolenarea  Updated Feb 7, 2020, 3:22pm EST

Travelers stand in long TSA security lines at LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York, on January 6, 2019. Melina Mara/The Washington Post via Getty Images

The state of New York announced Friday that it will sue the Trump administration over its decision to block New Yorkers from enrolling in Global Entry and other programs that offer faster processing for pre-vetted travelers, calling the move “political retribution” for the state’s sanctuary policies.

Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli had told reporters on Thursday that New York’s Green Light Law — which offers state driver’s licenses to unauthorized immigrants — prevents the agency from accessing Department of Motor Vehicles records. Those records, he said, are essential to appropriately vet New Yorkers for “Trusted Traveler” programs like Global Entry, which is for international travelers arriving in the US.

Cuccinelli said that the policy change, first announced on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, was in the interest of public safety. Since federal law enforcement officers can no longer access the data they need to ensure that an applicant is indeed a Trusted Traveler, terrorists and other criminals could go undetected.

But New York Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement Friday that there was a more sinister motive behind the policy change: “This is political retribution, plain and simple, and while the president may want to punish New York for standing up to his xenophobic policies, we will not back down,” she said, adding that preventing New Yorkers from accessing Trusted Traveler programs would not only inconvenience travelers, but also harm the state’s economy.

Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, however, didn’t back down:

Acting Secretary Chad Wolf

I made clear to the Governor yesterday that suspending Trusted Traveler Programs for NY had nothing to do with drivers licenses and everything to do with the breakdown in information sharing. My response to the press conference.

2:00 PM - Feb 7, 2020
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The new policy will only affect New York residents. They will be able to maintain their Trusted Traveler status until it expires, but no new applications for Trusted Traveler status or applications to renew that status will be approved. Those who have pending applications for Trusted Traveler status will also be rejected and their application fees will be reimbursed, according to DHS.

Other Democrats have also called the new restrictions a form of retaliation against New York’s sanctuary state laws.

End of quote

And Trump has the gall to "Negotiate with Cuomo of NY over a Quid Pro Quid offer" which is ILLEGAL

Here it is.


Cuomo, Trump butt heads over New York Global Entry ban

By Ebony Bowden and Bernadette Hogan

February 13, 2020 | 9:40pm | Updated

President Trump hosted Gov. Cuomo at the White House Thursday to hash out their differences over the administration’s ban on New Yorkers from the Trusted Traveler Program, which makes it easier for citizens to return from abroad.

But the two sides failed to agree, and a spokesman for Cuomo said they would keep working on the issue with the Department of Homeland Security.

The administration took action over a state law that lets illegal immigrants apply for driver’s licenses but blocks federal access to state vehicle records.

“[They met] today to discuss the situation and the dire need to rectify it. Gov. Cuomo restated the initial solution that he proposed to the DHS acting secretary last Thursday on our willingness to allow federal officials access to DMV records only for individuals applying to the Trusted Traveler Program,” a spokesman said.

“We believe DHS’s action was politically motivated and unwarranted as the FBI already has information regarding criminal records, and TTP applicants already go through an extensive federal background check. The president said that this is an issue he wants to work on and that he would follow up with the governor next week.”


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The Quid Pro Quid massive corruption of Donald Trump will only end if and when Trump is removed from the POTUS position. It is that simple. Trump has admitted to this tactic and he does not care. We should

Andrew Beckwith, PhD

One of his habits is to break the law whenever he wants. Case in point: quote It is illegal for elected officials to use taxpayer resources for personal political events. The presidential limo is not owned by Trump. It is owned by the taxpayers. Trump went to the Daytona 500 as part of his presidential election campaign. It wasn’t an official presidential event. Trump had no public events listed on the presidential schedule for Sunday. The reason why no other president has taken a lap in the presidential limo at Daytona before is that it is illegal. Donald Trump didn’t make history on Sunday. He broke another law. end of quote



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