The trump cards

The trump cards

It was a spacious and comfortable but very old country house. At night we would meet there to talk and tell stories. From time to time we played the forbidden.

One night there was very important card game. I was young and had very little money, but the game was interesting.

The elders were expert players and I was the brave apprentice. I decided to risk what I had.

I was moderate in the first game, but luck was with me. Soon I had some money and started climbing. Many times I got three aces. I discovered that I was lucky in love and also in gambling.

The owner of the house had strong coffee prepared to keep us wide awake. I was able to visualize the cards before they arrived and bet safely.

Continue earning and accumulate some money. At the end of the game I saved everything without counting it.

We left into the very dark night heading home. Passing through those old groves was impressive. We were silent, but we were very afraid. You could hear the singing of nocturnal birds that made our hair stand on end.

When we got home I counted my winnings and gave my brother back what he had lost.

I had discovered something new and very interesting. It was an invitation to start an adventure.

Juanjo Galvez y Be Na gracias por recomendar. Esta historia la tengo escrita en espa?ol pero decidí revisarla y publicarla en Inglés y espa?ol. Para lograr un mayor alcance.


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