Trump was ‘on the brink’ of firing defense secretary for contradicting him on troop deployment- I warned people about this, and it almost happened

Last week, I warned repeatedly that Esper was on the verge of being removed by Donald Trump since Esper would not agree to massacre protestors near Lafayette park. So far, this has not happened, but it should underline Trump's determination to destroy via military violence all those who oppose him.

In a word, we are not out of the woods yet. Trump has praised use of military violence on civilians before and he was salavitating at the excuse to have people shot, so he would have "nice videos" to show in August in North Carolina as a direct way to terrorize those who disagree with him, into acquience.

If there is any lesson to be taken from this, it is that Trump has zero regard for the US Constitution and also zero regard for the actual Constitutional guarantees of LAWFUL protest written directly into the US Constitution.

It goes without saying that UNTIL TRUMP IS NO LONGER POTUS that he will continue to acquire the means to employ state violence and that we had a lucky escape from a civil war. And Civil war is what PUTIN wants. The only way to avoid it, is to have Trump leave the POTUS.

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Trump was ‘on the brink’ of firing defense secretary for contradicting him on troop deployment: report

Published 1 min ago on June 9, 2020

By Matthew Chapman 

On Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that President Donald Trump was “on the brink” of firing Secretary of Defense Mark Esper last week, amid a disagreement between the two on using military force to control civil rights protesters.

“Officials said Mr. Trump was furious with Mr. Esper for not supporting his inclination to use active-duty troops to quell protests in Washington, D.C., Minneapolis and elsewhere following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25,” reported Gordon Lubold. “The president consulted several advisers to ask their opinion of the disagreement, intent that day on removing Mr. Esper, his fourth defense secretary since taking office in January 2017, according to the officials. After talks with the advisers, who cautioned against the move, Mr. Trump set aside the plans to immediately fire Mr. Esper.”

“At the same time, however, Mr. Esper, aware of Mr. Trump’s feelings, was making his own preparations to resign, partly in frustration over the differences regarding the role of the military, the officials said,” the report continued. “He had begun to prepare a letter of resignation before he was persuaded not to do so by aides and other advisers, according to some of the officials.”

“Last Wednesday, Mr. Esper said that he didn’t think using federal troops in American streets was warranted at that time,” said the report. “The comments, made in an opening statement at a news conference at the Pentagon, weren’t vetted beforehand by the White House, and the statement caught officials there off guard, two officials said.”

End of quote


In a word, we are not out of the woods yet. Trump has praised use of military violence on civilians before and he was salavitating at the excuse to have people shot, so he would have "nice videos" to show in August in North Carolina as a direct way to terrorize those who disagree with him, into acquience.

If there is any lesson to be taken from this, it is that Trump has zero regard for the US Constitution and also zero regard for the actual Constitutional guarantees of LAWFUL protest written directly into the US Constitution.

It goes without saying that UNTIL TRUMP IS NO LONGER POTUS that he will continue to acquire the means to employ state violence and that we had a lucky escape from a civil war. And Civil war is what PUTIN wants. The only way to avoid it, is to have Trump leave the POTUS.


Trump is green lighting all steps he can use to initiate a US Civil war, and it is to pander to PUTIN. In a word, do not let him (Trump) get away with it.

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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