Trump attack reminds: Beware of rumors amid real-life crisis
“The news organizations of the three major networks are staffed and organized so that no effective system exists during coverage of a crisis of global sport to screen out rumor, gossip, hysterical taletelling, hearsay and tongue-wagging.” ?– Tom Shales, The Washington Post
The late critic Tom Shales made this comment after John Hinkley tried to assassinate President Ronald Reagan.
With the advent of social media and 24/7 cable television things will only get worse. We are already seeing all this play out following the attempt to kill Donald Trump.
Our advice for clients who face a crisis is to religiously stick to the facts you can provide and be transparent about any investigation that will be needed to obtain more accurate information. We call it the NTSB approach and teach it in our seminars on crisis management.
Never allow yourself to be pressured by the media, elected officials or critics to put out information you can’t confirm. Any attempt to correct a misstatement, even one made in good faith, will be vilified.
Always remember that at the height of a crisis people will not always be telling you the truth as you investigate. Finger pointing will be epidemic.
Remember that on social media the crazier the statement the more clicks for the person monetizing their channel.