Truly unique in Every Way - Build your own Service Desk in Twelve Months
With the endorsement of SDI and by following their methodology mixed with our experiences in the real MSP world, we have created a programme that is truly unique.
Delivering our core service – the Service Desk – directly, is paramount if we are to build a USP for our business.
The Customer experience is king and we must be able to deliver service without outsourcing. If we fail and submit to the Master MSP model then all we are doing is turning our business into a re-seller of MSPs services. To create true sustainability, we passionately believe we must invest, develop and mature our own desk, NOC & SOC offering.
To achieve this is no mean feat and most stall, not from a want of trying but because there just isn’t any MSP industry guidance. Until now!
The idea of the #COESD is to help aspiring MSPs/TSPs get through the Gary Pica “reactive spiral of death” and beyond by embedding the SDI open-source methodology into an MSP environment.
We base our programme on the experiences of our SDI certified 3 Star Desk, Air-IT. See them as a real live lab. We have documented our journey, set up templates and built content of value that we deliver through quarterly workshops and monthly webcasts. At the end of the programme, your business will be prepared and ready to go through certification in the time it took Air-IT twenty-four months to achieve.
We are not vendor-driven, we work from our real-world UK MSP experience and our groups are innovators and pioneers for the UK MSP space. No peer group in the world can offer what the COESD delivers.
In order to survive in our competitive market, we have to differentiate ourselves.
Delivering a quality, consistent & professional service that is able to scale by not outsourcing is key. The MSPs that can deliver this will create sustainability and more value for shareholders or owners in the long run - they will prevail.
#SDI #MSP #ServiceDesk
Michael Brown