For a truly sustainable mobility
Luca Bottazzi
● Disruptive Innovation Consultant ● Advisor/Consultant for New Politics ● Indipendent Writer
Today there is no truly sustainable approach to Mobility, so – it is “too-short-blanket-problem” – solving problems for one type of people, others are created for other types of citizens.
A “global”, multi-disciplinary approach to the problem is therefore necessary, which entails a Disruptive innovation implemented, simultaneously, on the various aspects of the Smart City.
Today those involved in improving urban Mobility use a partial approach, which does not solve at all problems of getting around the City.
That is, it solves, in part, some specific problems, but not the problem as a whole. It therefore
does not improve the living conditions of the City, which should be the goal of the people who work for greater sustainability of the cities.
Today, a “global” approach, integral to the problem, is missing <see The need to see the whole picture: integration of products into an ecosystem >
Some of the aspects that are addressed in a “specialist” way are: – safety for Pedestrians – sustainability of travel times – pollution.
The fact is that these topics should be addressed as a whole, evaluating the “whole picture”. This is the only way to make cities more livable.
Addressing the problem in a specialized, sectorial way, problems are solved for some Citizens, but things are complicated for others (it is the “too-short-blanket-problem”).
<see Mobility 2.0 – White Paper: why the failure of Mobility>
The question is therefore to have an approach that pushes to face the causes “upstream” of the problem. And to intervene in Disruptive innovation mode, that is to innovate Mobility at its foundations. And innovate it in a coordinated (integrated) way with other innovations of the so-called Smart City.
A Disruptive innovation of Mobility, in practice
1) must “revolutionize” the elements of urban traffic:
– the basic element, the Vehicle (and overcome the dichotomy of private transport / public transport)
– traffic infrastructures
– Mobility Plan
2) And it must do so with an intervention that is sustainable in itself (for example, with low investments, and so that it does not force citizens to change – quickly – their Cars).
And important, because it is really a change made “for citizens”, that these must find real advantages in change.
Here are some examples of wrong direction in Mobility projects (problems towards which the LiteMotive Project intervenes with specific solutions). <see The plus of the project LiteMotive>
● Reducing the speed of vehicles is undoubtedly decisive, but without speeding up traffic with some methods, this is penalizing for private vehicles. A sustainable dimension can be achieved with a Disruptive Innovation that “revolutions”, from the foundations, the Infrastructures of the circulation system (see on LiteMotive “A virtual signage infrastructure”>.
● electrifying cars in their current design does not solve the problems of size, mass (danger), operating costs and tax costs. <see A Fork of the Automotive Market>
● maintaining the current tax classification of vehicles does not stimulate change. With new concept vehicles (for urban traffic) it is possible to relieve the Citizen of many tax costs of the traditional car (which in the new scenario is in fact used only in extra-urban travel, which for most people means a few days a month ). The tax relief can be implemented, for example by giving ordinary vehicle owners the opportunity to share ownership of it, and to pay Taxes and Insurance only when cars are used)
<see “The Car Sharing 2.0 – Personal-Multimodal-Sharing/Pooling”>
● creating new car parks is unsustainable because it only increases the number of cars circulating in the city (a sustainable solution, as it is for LiteMotive, must allow, for example, new micro-cars to self-park in self-driving mode – in the same way there can be a relocation of the Cars in “autonomous” mode, managed remotely).
● the impasse for the improvement of Mobility derives from the fact that:
– today – due to the economic crisis – there are no more huge funds for mega-projects
– it is impossible to install a system that completely replaces the current Mobility mode. The LiteMotive System provides for a compatibility of existing Systems with the new one, so as to favor a smooth transition
<see The LiteMotive system and “compatibility” with existing elements of urban traffic>
<see LiteMotive: the new future of Mobility >
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For an effective assessment of the quality of a product's innovation, the "TrendInsights's Guidelines to Disruptive Innovation" was developed, which offers:
1) an essential description of the meaning and methods of Disruptive innovation, and
2) a methodology for those who want to start a Disruptive Innovation business.
3) a Table summarizing the quality of the Disruptive Innovation for an assessment of business innovation capacity (usable both for developing a new Business and for analyzing Business already in progress).
<see "TrendInsights's Guidelines to Disruptive Innovation" >