truly my favorite
Black Sheep :: christliked :: Original Poetry :: Write. Learn. Share.
Black Sheep
They formed me in an act of shame where guilt designed my tomb
They separated me from you cause sin was in the room
They rejected who I was and renounced what they proclaimed
They predestined me for ridicule and disrespected my name
They took from me my dignity, my history, my all
They marked me as a failure but I refused to fall
Created in that dark dim light but still my eyes could see
That they could not continue to stop the will of God for me
My essence in life and my purpose to live was not their choice to make
In their lust they planted a seed that would become my fate
But with this weight around my neck how else would I live
By getting on my knees every day and asking him to forgive
It was not fair that I was not aware of the resentment that surrounded me
While still in the womb, directed by doom, she prayed to set me free