Truly For Him
Over the past month, I have had the opportunity to meet some incredible people in a filmmaking networking group I created on Facebook. Most everyone I have met are working towards their goals of doing something for the Lord. Too many times we forget why we got into this industry in the first place. I have seen people who have that self-serving attitude, but let me tell you for every one of those types there are hundreds of people who want to do something incredible just for Him. My goal is to create something that will help lead someone to the perfect storm calmer in our lives. Jesus can calm any storm that you are going through. I think people have it wrong when they talk about the struggle between Hollywood and Christians. There are so many Christians who are in Hollywood making a huge difference in the faith-based industry. I have met some truly amazing people who are in California and are making movies that glorify Jesus Christ. I have met people who have taught me so much about this industry. They didn't do this to benefit them in any way, but rather to help someone else out without expecting anything in return. I asked my group a couple of questions. I asked them "Who has your back?" Then I asked them "Whose back do you have?" I think those are two very important questions we need to ask ourselves. God put people in our lives for a reason. Do you stand up for those people? Will they stand up for you? I have dedicated my career to Jesus Christ and use my career to serve Him in every way possible. I have encouraged my group to do something for someone else. I encourage them to stand up for someone who is going through a difficult time. What is your purpose for your career? Are you using it just to serve your own needs or are you using it for a more powerful purpose?