" TRUE WORSHIP -- To glorify in God's Holy Name "
Today, Keisha and I were eager to attend the River of Praise Christian Fellowship after a long time of absence. Thus, it is the best time to be with God, listen to his words, be enlightened and to be with our brothers and sisters not only as one community in Christ but to serve and love them as a Family. Brother Joshua requested everyone to rise for the silent prayer and we all sang series of Christian songs. Afterwards, he sang solo as his offertory to God with Pastor Jireh as the pianist. Then, Pastor Jireh read the Holy Scripture for the day and preached. The homily was about True worship. As true Christians, our primary duty should be to worship God. Not only to accept his Son as our personal Saviour but to put into actual application the good words and deeds that his words tell us to do. We should praise him from our hearts more than anyone else and do it constantly and faithfully until his second coming. When we also worship, it is not just going to the church but it depends solely on each one of us how receptive we are when we listen to his words and put into action what we've heard. How can we worship God if we do not know him intimately? We should also read our Bible and reflect on his words, because it is only then when we have full knowledge of him and through his words we will know the best way to worship him. We can't just worship him from our point of view, because everything is written in the Holy Book. We should based our learning only from the Bible. It is said that Biblical worship is the true worship, because when we read the words of God. They do not just stuck in our hearts or minds. They go deeper into our souls that all we can do is change our lives for the glory of God. I am always enlightened by his words. It is the reason why I am making my life meaningful now. A life that is not centered on earthly possessions but rather on his words alone. After this, we were grouped into small groups for the reflection. It was worth sharing for when you know that words just came out from your mind naturally as the Holy Spirit entered your life. Then, we all stood up again for the prayer and bade goodbye. What an amazing Sunday !!! May the Lord stretch out his arms on all of us so we can serve him better in the coming days. Thank you. I love you. AMEN...